The Blog
Dive into intimate, inspiring (and slightly taboo) stories
My blog is where I share from my heart. I write about motherhood, money, intimacy, becoming sovereign, and so much more. You can also find my recipes here.
Go ahead and explore the library below, or use the search bar to explore a specific topic.

Save Our Food
The modern food industry is at a crossroads, and the choices we make today will shape the future of our health, sovereignty, and planet. Dairy has become a focal point in this debate in the last couple of weeks in the UK, as industrial farming practices, climate change narratives, and billionaire-backed food systems converge to reshape what ends up on our plates.
At the centre of this conversation lies a disturbing truth: our food supply is increasingly being manipulated under the guise of sustainability, often with dire consequences for our health and autonomy.

Trusting your Inner Voice
Have you ever ignored that quiet, steady voice within you, the one that knows what’s right for you? I have. It’s a moment I think about often.
When I had my first baby, I felt so deeply in my heart that I didn’t want him to have any vaccinations. It was my intuition, clear and unwavering. For months, I stood firm, holding on to what I believed was right for my family.
But I was young, and I was alone in my conviction. No one around me agreed, and whilst Josh was supportive either way, he also didn’t know what was best, so completely deferred to me. Eventually, after two hours on the phone with a health visitor one afternoon, I gave in and agreed to let him have some (not all) but some - but some was more than none. I let someone else’s authority override what I knew to be true.

Reclaiming your Sexual Essence
David Deida’s The Way of the Superior Man is often seen as a guide for men seeking to deepen their understanding of relationships and purpose. Yet, I am discovering that its wisdom holds powerful lessons for women too.
As I’ve been reading this book to my 15-year-old son (something he asked me to do when he saw me looking through it one day), I’ve taken great learnings from it myself. It is written for men (the kind of man I hope my son grows up to be), but it is incredible how much Deida in fact seems to know women more than many women know themselves. He gets to the core of what it is to be a woman and honours us in our wholeness.
My wish is that every woman can come home to her truth and see herself as Deida sees us, and as he teaches ‘the Superior Man’ to see us. This process of coming home begins with rediscovering the connection between our body, our desires, and our power.

The Power of Family Values in a Fragmented World
In a world that often feels chaotic and uncertain, where societal norms shift rapidly and external influences seem louder than ever, in my opinion, the family stands as one of the most significant sources of strength, connection and resilience. Yet, you may be aware, as I am, that the modern family unit is increasingly under pressure from systems and structures that, intentionally or not, seem designed to weaken its bonds. This is why I believe that taking a stand for your family is one of the most revolutionary and transformative acts you can undertake.

Energy is the medicine our body understands
Humans have always sought out ways to heal, and had an innate desire to thrive; and for thousands of years the way we did this was to turn to nature. However, from the 1800s onwards this started to change, heightening from the mid-1800s when the focus from symptom management to targeting pathogens became the corner stone of medicine. Today we live in a heavily medicalised world, which focuses on the body as a chemical being, however what science is beginning to learn is that in fact, first and foremost, we are electric bodies.

Balancing Feminine Flow with Grit: The Path to Success for Women
In recent years, there's been a significant shift towards women finding success through embracing their feminine flow, as opposed to the hustle culture and push energy that many of us were raised to believe in. While this approach aligns more closely with the innate nature of many women, it's clear that an element of grit—resilience and determination in the face of adversity—is still necessary for achieving success. So, why do some women naturally possess this grit while others struggle to find it? And importantly, how can we cultivate it if it doesn't come naturally?

The Diet Industry: A Generational Burden on Women that is Ready to Fall
The intricate web that the diet industry has woven around women, tightening its grip with every passing generation, has long been a topic that I have been very aware of, and a cycle that I am very passionate about breaking for my children. The pressure to be thin, to fit into an ever-shrinking mould of beauty, has not only distorted our relationship with our own bodies but has also seeped into our relationships with each other, creating a legacy of competition, shame, and disconnection. Yet, in recent years, there has been a powerful movement towards reclaiming our true selves and fostering genuine connections among women.

Sexual Desire in Our 40s - and Beyond
I don’t know about you but when I was in my 20s, I couldn’t imagine that my sex drive would be as high, if not higher, and I certainly assumed that there was absolute truth in the idea that after 16 years of being with someone, you couldn’t expect that initial sexual spark to remain. However, I have been proven wrong on both counts, and through conversations with other women, I have realised that in large part, sadly I am in a minority. I have become very passionate about talking about sex, intimacy and relationships over the last few years, and I am expanding more and more into this work.

Embracing the Shadows: Finding My Voice in the Silence
June has arrived bringing with it a fresh wave of introspection and growth (not always easy but the way I like it!). A number of people have recommended Carolyn Elliott’s book ‘Existential Kink’ to me, and this week I started to listen to it. Of course, as with all things, I felt called to finally listen to it at what seems like the perfect time. Through occurrences this week, but also coming in as a message slowly over the last five years or so, I've come to a profound realisation. I had of course heard of ‘shadow work’ but it wasn’t until listening to Carolyn speaking deeper on the topic that I have really understood it.

Sacred Waters: A Journey into Water Consciousness
Consider for a moment the difference between water sourced from a natural spring and the water that flows from our taps. Spring water emerges from the earth in a state of purity, imbued with vital energy and mineral content. It's alive, vibrant, and in harmony with its surroundings - it is created slowly. In contrast, tap water often lacks this vitality, having been stripped of its natural properties through filtration processes and chemical additives.

Does your bank account act as a mirror for your subconscious beliefs?
Maybe you have never thought of it before, but it is interesting perhaps for you to ponder: is you bank account, not so much a measure of how hard you work but instead a mirror that reflects back to you your innermost beliefs, thoughts, and emotions about money? In most part, I would imagine if you really let yourself go deep into your conditioning, you would agree. This is because beneath the surface of all of us lies a complex network of subconscious patterns dictating our financial reality. Indeed, our relationship with money is deeply rooted in our subconscious, often influencing our financial decisions without us even realising it.

The Feminine and Money: Breaking through the stories we hold
Throughout history, women have encountered numerous obstacles that have impeded their financial autonomy and hindered their ability to ‘play’ in the field of money and abundance. However, it's equally important for me to note upfront that embracing feminine energy in money doesn't necessarily mean emulating traditional masculine paths to financial success.
Let’s explore this a little here:

Embracing the Circle of Life: My Journey Back to Eating Meat
In a world where dietary choices often spark heated debates and polarised opinions, sharing this with you has been considered and difficult to come to, as my decision to no longer be vegan was in fact itself. However, my journey back to eating meat has been one of personal revelation and connection to what to me feels very true to say as the natural order of life. From vegetarianism to veganism and back again, my dietary path has been a winding road shaped by compassion, prioritising the health of me and my family, and a deepening understanding of our relationship with the environment and Mother Nature.

Fasting with your Cycle
The reason I am doing it is multi-faceted. Since I had Savannah eight years ago, despite my diet being excellent, my body has felt out of balance. I have changed various things, but nothing has really worked. So the main pull for me was healing the imbalance in my body. Our body’s main priority when we have food in us is digestion. When we fast then we allow our bodies to focus instead on healing.

Plant based Gluten Free Lasagna
I came up with this recipe about two years ago, but when I say I came up with the 'recipe', I mean I winged it, it worked, and then I have winged it a few more times since, but could never have told anyone how I did it. So for my Autumn Cleanse in 2021, in order to share it with those who took part, I wrote it down as I did it.
It is delicious - at least according to anyone I have every made it for.I hope you think so too.

Can life be this good?
It is the 13th March and life this month, so far, has been about friendship and fun. When we get home next Wednesday, I have a day of calls the following day, and then on the Friday the children go to Josh's mum's house so Josh and I can have our monthly connection time (see the blog I wrote about ‘The Thread of Intimacy" linked below). This means that it won’t be until the 21st March that life goes ‘back to normal’ and I sit and do concentrated periods of work again. I have of course been working in dribs and drabs during the first part of the month

The Thread of Intimacy
Every time I come back I cling to that thread of intimacy that has woven around us in that time. I so look forward to being at home with the family again, but I dread the fact that when I enter that door, the thread will be severed as the day to day takes over.

Red Lentil + Mushroom Bake
This is actually based off a recipe my mom found (via a friend from a magazine) and she makes for us often when she comes to stay. We mixed it up together a little bit, because we both don’t ever really stick to a recipe, and here is what we ended up with. I absolutely love it. So wholesome + filling. I hope you enjoy it too.

Liberation through nudity
Yup! On Friday I was booked in with all my freedom loving friends (those of us who have carried on living life together over the last two years, allowing our children to play with their friends, and collectively continuing to know the beauty of a hug!), to go to Harrogate Turkish Baths. It was already a pretty big deal for me, because to wear a swimming costume in front of other people for an extended period of time (not just putting it on and quickly jumping into a pool before someone saw me), has always felt overwhelming. I suffered with an eating disorder in my teens and twenties, and the hang up it has left me with around my body still remains.

The gift of time
Last November I turned 40, and I received so many wonderful gifts! I feel so truly honoured to have such incredible friends + family in my life. One of my closest friends from when I first had Caleb, one of the kindest women I will ever meet, Anna, wrote to me + said to me that her gift to me was time. She is a beautiful artist + she offered me the opportunity to spend time with her in her studio for the day. I was so excited + yesterday was the day. I want to share with you my experience.