The Family Bed
Blog, Lifestyle, What's on my heart Rochelle Hubbard Blog, Lifestyle, What's on my heart Rochelle Hubbard

The Family Bed

I am so grateful I have had this experience with my children. So grateful! I will miss it when it is over, but I know it will feel right when it happens. Our relationship without doubt would not be what it is today without co-sleeping. The closeness and trust it has fostered is beyond measure. Those cuddles, the giggles and quiet conversations as we go to sleep together in the darkness, and seeing them as the first thing I see, and them me, when we wake up in the morning. I feel blessed to have had, and to continue to have those moments.

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Healthy Tiffin
Recipes, Food, Blog Rochelle Hubbard Recipes, Food, Blog Rochelle Hubbard

Healthy Tiffin

My friend Ania introduced me to raw chocolate, and this is very similar to the first thing she made me. It is so simple and full of nourishment. I hope you love it as much as we all do.

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Self Awareness
Rochelle Hubbard Rochelle Hubbard

Self Awareness

What exactly is self awareness and why does it help when it comes to emotional resilience?

Shireen Masan, BANT & CNHC certified Nutritional Therapist explains that, as humans, we thrive when living in a community and being surrounded by others; this is an essential skill we possess in order to create and form strong bonds with others. We can also use it to improve our own abilities when reflecting regularly on our progress or challenges. Developing this skill enables us to learn from situations and understand our actions speeding up growth and learning from our mistakes.

In contrast, when we lack self awareness and reflective skills we can become fixated on others role, in our unhappiness or dissatisfaction.

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Food, Blog, Ingredient of the Month Rochelle Hubbard Food, Blog, Ingredient of the Month Rochelle Hubbard


If someone had told me way back when that chocolate was going to form a significant, guilt free, part of my diet, and not only that, but that it would help me have good health, then I would have not believed them...not for one minute! But here is why it is now my reality, and if it is not yet yours, make it!

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Blog, Lifestyle, What's on my heart Rochelle Hubbard Blog, Lifestyle, What's on my heart Rochelle Hubbard


“Luci meant to the world to me….She ignited something in me, that I am only just now beginning to truly step into – she was a magical being, that was not with us long enough, but left behind her a force for good.”

Here I share the words I spoke when we said “goodbye” to Luci, one year ago today. I will forever miss you Luci.

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Emotional Reslience Tools
Rochelle Hubbard Rochelle Hubbard

Emotional Reslience Tools

Shireen Masan, BANT & CNHC certified Nutritional Therapist share techniques and activities to decompress some of the pressure as it builds up towards stress to enable us to manage, adapt and become more resilient to stress.

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Welcoming back Creativity
Blog, Lifestyle, What's on my heart Rochelle Hubbard Blog, Lifestyle, What's on my heart Rochelle Hubbard

Welcoming back Creativity

Come the end of March I would have completed my escape from my old blue friend that I joined 13 years ago. Will I be sad? Yes. Will I be scared? Yes. But I do I know to my core that it is something I have to do in order to create the freedom I need to live my life in complete truth and integrity? Absolutely! I cannot and will not tolerate the abuse anymore. I believe in my worth. I believe I can and will attract my community in other, more authentic ways.

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Cauliflower Leek 'Cheese' Soup
Recipes, Food, Blog Rochelle Hubbard Recipes, Food, Blog Rochelle Hubbard

Cauliflower Leek 'Cheese' Soup

When you have 5 cauliflowers in your fridge then this recipe is a must! I do have 5 cauliflowers on purpose by the way…Caleb (my 11 year old son) loves cauliflower rice…sadly less so this soup, but if he enjoys it in another form that is fine with me. I love this soup. Warming and hearty. I hope you enjoy it too.

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Emotional Needs
Rochelle Hubbard Rochelle Hubbard

Emotional Needs

As humans though our cultures, beliefs, morals and backgrounds may vary, we are all the same when it comes to our biological needs in order to survive and thrive. We have certain physical and emotional needs which need to be fulfilled in order for our mental and physical health to flourish. As these needs are vital for longevity of the human race, we are also given with the skillset and abilities to get these needs met. First let’s look at what abilities we possess to have all our needs met.

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Teff Raisin Oat Cookies
Recipes, Food, Blog Rochelle Hubbard Recipes, Food, Blog Rochelle Hubbard

Teff Raisin Oat Cookies

I cannot tell you how many recipes I have invented over the last 9 years. So many! Most of them ended up in my online cleanses I run, and as I invented them I didn’t create a well organised collection of them (soon to be fixed!). A friend of mine told me she still makes these for her children, so I asked her to send me the recipe to remind me of it. When I made them today they were not the ones I was thinking of, but delicious. I will dig out the chocolate covered teff biscuits I was thinking of for another day. For now, enjoy these!

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Sovereignty and Community
Blog, Lifestyle, What's on my heart Rochelle Hubbard Blog, Lifestyle, What's on my heart Rochelle Hubbard

Sovereignty and Community

I often hear people talk about what their ‘word(s) of the year’ are going to be, but I have never really connected to what my ‘word(s) of the year’ were until each year is done. I guess one of the benefits of 2020 and 2021 seamlessly bleeding into one another is that I know for certain that this year is going to be a continuation of the growth and journey I (most of us) started last year.

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Soaking & Sprouting
Blog, Lifestyle Rochelle Hubbard Blog, Lifestyle Rochelle Hubbard

Soaking & Sprouting

When I first started to really consider what it was to truly nourish my body I started to learn all sorts of weird and wonderful new tricks in the kitchen. Some of them were just fun, but some of them were, and very much remain, a foundational part of how I ensure myself and my family get the most from our food. Soaking and sprouting are two such things.

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Fungi & Parasites
Rochelle Hubbard Rochelle Hubbard

Fungi & Parasites

Shireen Masani, BANT & CNHC certified Nutritional Therapist, shares with us the 7th of a weekly series, diving into gaining a true understanding of our immune systems, this week discussing fungi and parasites.

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