Chia Seeds
Food, Blog, Ingredient of the Month Rochelle Hubbard Food, Blog, Ingredient of the Month Rochelle Hubbard

Chia Seeds

Chia is a small, round South American seed that is very popular with those who are interested in healthy living. Those of you who have used flaxseed before will be familiar with the fact that it absorbs a lot of water and hence swells when exposed to it. Chia is the same in this respect, and in fact has a lot of similar qualities to flax, but even more beyond this - I have heard it referred to as 'flaxseed on crack' ;-)

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Food, Blog, Ingredient of the Month Rochelle Hubbard Food, Blog, Ingredient of the Month Rochelle Hubbard


If someone had told me way back when that chocolate was going to form a significant, guilt free, part of my diet, and not only that, but that it would help me have good health, then I would have not believed them...not for one minute! But here is why it is now my reality, and if it is not yet yours, make it!

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