Luci meant the world to me. To start with she knew me more than I knew her, as she followed me in my capacity as a Health Coach, and then took the leap with me into the world of essential oils. It wasn’t until Luci decided to delve deeper into essential oils that I got to know her more, and from moving to Leicestershire to Derby, I had the privilege to live close to her and get to spend time with her. In that time I can only describe it, and often told Luci as such, that I felt like I had gained a new family member – the adoration I felt for her was deep – on knowing her only a short period of time, it became clear to me that I would have done anything for her, and I carried this feeling forward right to the end. I loved her dearly. She ignited something in me, that I am only just now beginning to truly step into – she was a magical being, that was not with us long enough, but left behind her a force for good.

As we are celebrating the colour that Luci brought into our lives today, I want to take a moment to share exactly that; apart from all the colours of your beautiful fabric creations, Luci these are the colours that you brought to me:

The first colour I think of when I think of you was of course the Red of your hair. I have never, and doubt I will ever again, witness hair as magnificently beautiful as yours. It could only belong to someone who was sent to this earth to teach us something of a higher purpose, and I can assure you, you have taught me something deeper than you perhaps were even aware was in you.

Blue - your eyes. Within you was nature personified – in your eyes the blue of the ocean.

Cream – the pale, wondrous colour of your skin, that set off your hair so beautifully. Unforgettable beauty!

Green – the earth – your connection to the natural world was evident for everyone who knew you. Whenever we spoke about women’s connection to Mother Earth, our conversations were rich and meaningful. The day you moved to Cheltenham hospital I came and sat with you. I held your hand and told you that I felt your power around me everywhere I walked since you became unwell. I could feel the pull of you guiding me to step out more and teach with even more certainty, that women are being called back to the earth to heal it. We held hands and cried. That work is mine now (of all of us who carry this torch), but I (we) will carry it forward for us.

Brown – chocolate! When you first started making raw chocolates I think it is fair to say that it wasn’t your forte! You sent me a photo of a big clump of something, with oil all around it, and you didn’t know where it had gone wrong! We often laughed about that, but you got better, in fact you got so good you used to teach others how to make their own raw, healthy chocolate delights. We as a collective have made some in your honour today to share with your friends and family.

Purple – your wise and forward side – like the all knowing Enchantress. Josh and I took a while to get used to how direct you were. To start with it surprised us coming from such a mystical looking creature as you, but you knew your mind and you spoke it, something we learnt to admire and do more of ourselves. Even to the end you told me what was what. As I tried to roller your face with the crystal roller Robyn had bought you, on the Monday before you left this world, otherwise quiet and reflective at this stage of your illness, you felt the strength and need to speak up and tell me I was rubbish at it and ultimately that I should just give it up as I was no good! You were wise beyond your years, like you were sent to share something with us beyond the frivolities of youth – and that you did dear friend.

Grey – I have never experienced desperation and sadness like I did in January of this year. The thought of you leaving us was too hard to imagine, and I couldn’t believe it to be true. I fought for you with every ounce of me Luci, as did many of us who loved you, and with your passing has come a hole in my life that will never be filled. With the colour always has to come shade, and losing you has brought with it a darker shade than I knew I could experience. I miss you.

Light – this is not a colour but it is what you expelled into the world – pure light! I had and continue to have so many messages of people saying that, even if they didn’t know you well, the times they met you you left an impression on them – you shined your light into their lives. I speak to you now when I look at the moon – I like to imagine you have gone there and sit and watch over us all. One of your light beams has infiltrated my heart Luci and I will always, always carry it forward with me.

With this knowledge I want to read 2 things before I end today. The first was sent to me by a friend on the knowledge of Luci’s passing:

The Conservation of Energy

Energy cannot die, in fact to the first law of thermodynamics; no energy gets created in the universe, and none is destroyed.

All the energy, every vibration, every wave of every particle that made up those we feel we may have lost, remains here in this world with us always.

All the photons that ever bounced off Luci’s face, all the particles whose paths were interrupted by her smile, by the touch of her hair, hundreds of trillions of particles, raced off her, their ways forever changed. This energy will go on forever.

The warmth that flowed through Luci in life is still here, still part of all that we are as we sit here today.

And Secondy, I have chosen this from Tanya Markul’s ‘The She Book’, poem 91, the year that Luci was born:

Deep within me, courage resides. My fiercest dream is on the verge of being born. The pain of the world can be felt within, but this isn’t the beginning of any end. I’m finding my way back to my body, my most heart-loyal friend. Girl, I’ve got what it takes to heal this holy place. Because you and I are the women, the daughters of a rising grace.
— The She Book - Ninety One - Tanya Markul


For those who may come across this out of context, above I have shared the words I spoke when we said “goodbye” to my dear friend Luci, one year ago today. I will forever miss you Luci.




Simple Sacred Cacao Drink