Sexual Desire in Our 40s - and Beyond
Blog, What's on my heart Rochelle Hubbard Blog, What's on my heart Rochelle Hubbard

Sexual Desire in Our 40s - and Beyond

I don’t know about you but when I was in my 20s, I couldn’t imagine that my sex drive would be as high, if not higher, and I certainly assumed that there was absolute truth in the idea that after 16 years of being with someone, you couldn’t expect that initial sexual spark to remain. However, I have been proven wrong on both counts, and through conversations with other women, I have realised that in large part, sadly I am in a minority. I have become very passionate about talking about sex, intimacy and relationships over the last few years, and I am expanding more and more into this work.

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The Feminine and Money: Breaking through the stories we hold
Blog, What's on my heart Rochelle Hubbard Blog, What's on my heart Rochelle Hubbard

The Feminine and Money: Breaking through the stories we hold

Throughout history, women have encountered numerous obstacles that have impeded their financial autonomy and hindered their ability to ‘play’ in the field of money and abundance. However, it's equally important for me to note upfront that embracing feminine energy in money doesn't necessarily mean emulating traditional masculine paths to financial success.

Let’s explore this a little here:

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Liberation through nudity
Blog, Lifestyle, What's on my heart Rochelle Hubbard Blog, Lifestyle, What's on my heart Rochelle Hubbard

Liberation through nudity

Yup! On Friday I was booked in with all my freedom loving friends (those of us who have carried on living life together over the last two years, allowing our children to play with their friends, and collectively continuing to know the beauty of a hug!), to go to Harrogate Turkish Baths. It was already a pretty big deal for me, because to wear a swimming costume in front of other people for an extended period of time (not just putting it on and quickly jumping into a pool before someone saw me), has always felt overwhelming. I suffered with an eating disorder in my teens and twenties, and the hang up it has left me with around my body still remains.

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Is recovery ever complete?
Blog, Lifestyle, What's on my heart Rochelle Hubbard Blog, Lifestyle, What's on my heart Rochelle Hubbard

Is recovery ever complete?

For those who don’t know, for a multitude of reasons, I suffered with an eating disorder in my late teens, all the way through my 20s. When I became pregnant with Caleb at 28 I stopped starving myself + purging if I ate over a specific amount of calories per day. I decided I would look after myself, for him (not yet for me). After he was born, I regressed slightly, but when he was two my world was flipped upside down. I met my friend Ania, who at the time was training to be a Health Coach, and she opened my eyes to a world which led me to create a true connection with my body, based on respect. I think having just had a baby, seeing the miracle of life, of the human body, first hand in that way, really helped cement for me how miraculous my own body was, and I really felt called to truly care for it.

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