Where anything goes. You get me, for a month, to use however you need me.
I am someone who, I am grateful to say, women feel comfortable opening themselves to with vulnerability and conviction. I worked as a 121 health coach for 4 years, and then more and more moved into business coaching, but so often the conversations have opened up into relationships (family, intimate, friends), self-worth, belief systems, sex...of course it is all interwoven in terms of us stepping into the truest version of ourselves, so it is no surprise. I also have a wealth of knowledge in technology systems and processes.
Through experience of coaching and mentoring women for the last decade I have repeatedly seen that despite many women working hard (in terms of time they put into their businesses and or creating change in their personal lives, living a life they truly want for themselves) they often don't achieve their goals.
Women would ask me what was the key to my success and I always struggled to give them a formula. I wanted to but I couldn't find the words that would tell them exactly how to do it.
And then it hit me, a light bulb just switched on inside of me: that is because the formula for each of us is unique. I was, and am, successful in my business, and I live a life in full alignment with myself, because I am fully standing in my authenticity in everything I do.
I know myself deeply, and I refuse to compromise. I attract exactly who and what is meant for me, and this feels joyful and ultimately leads to the abundance I desire in my life, and know I am worthy of.
And I know you can experience this too. You might not yet, but I know it, and together we are going to work it out.
Me in your pocket for a month:
In short I can support you with almost anything you want to work towards. Not because I am an expert in everything, but because YOU are the expert in you, and I am a woman who won't let you hide behind stories anymore - I refuse it for myself, so I will support you to refuse it for yourself as well.
We are going to get serious about understanding what makes you YOU
We can, if you choose, go deep into your story - what has led you to where you are today - and do the work to let go of old stories that are not serving you
I will support you to rewrite your story the way it was always supposed to look
We are going to get really clear on your belief system - because you need to know yourself to the depths in order to be able to attract the life (work and/or personal) that is meant for you
Plus I can fully support you with strategy as it is 100% my jam
In my own life I have:
Built a 6 figure business, completely from scratch
Learnt all of the technology + strategy needed to keep my business running effectively + efficiently
Raised my children in complete alignment with my beliefs, which very much differ from the norm
Rewritten the stories I inherited around personal relationships
Rewritten the stories about my worthiness
Stood against the majority whenever, no matter what, it was not in alignment with my core beliefs
As well as built a kitchen garden from scratch with my family, and taught myself how to find food for free off the land (that may seem unrelated, but for those who get what it is to truly be sovereign, they will know it is not)
For those who want to know:
1/3 Generator Triple Split
Gene Keys: My deepest purpose in life is to manifest the Gift of Revolution (ha - no surprise to those who know me!). In love the highest expression of my heart is Peace, and in Prosperity, I unlock Prosperity through my Gift of Integrity
My top 10 Clifton Strengths are: Strategic, Achiever, Adaptability, Activator, Maximiser, Learner, Command, Relator, Empathy, Belief
How we will work together:
4 x 75 minute zoom calls (1 x weekly)
Checklists for you to work through each week (which we will devise together on the calls)
One month of Voxer access (in-between voice messaging support)