Surrender to Intimacy

It is time to rebalance the Feminine and the Masculine

First in ourselves · Then in our relationships

It is time to remember what has been lost, but what is truly our natural way of being

Together we come back into alignment · Together we let go of always needing to control · Together we find harmony and peace · Together we find space · Together we exhale for the first time in perhaps decades

Together we Surrender to Intimacy

Before we begin…

Within this page you will find everything you need to decide if Surrender to Intimacy is right for you. I have curated it so you can truly feel into the decision. You won’t find tonnes of detail to ‘convince’ you of the value of this container. What you will find are words from my heart and my personal experiences of this work.

You will not find a multitude of buttons spread across the page to direct you straight to the payment either. I have ordered the sections very purposefully; I hope to take you on a meaningful, and helpful, journey. If you are like me then you will get really irritated by ‘sales pages’ that are full of fluff, and keep offering you buttons to buy, when you have barely had chance to even absorb the name of the course. I have written this page as I would like to find it. I hope you enjoy the process of reading it.

I am also grateful to be able to share with you words from other women who have spent much of the last year with me in a different container I have been running. As part of this space we did a small exploration into the theme of Surrender. I asked them to share their experiences, and their responses confirmed for me even more how important this work is. You will find four questions I asked them, with responses from 7-8 women in each question, as you scroll across.

I hope all of the below supports you with your decision as to whether you will be joining this intimate container I am creating. Let it be a decision of your heart, not your mind. You will feel if it is right, as opposed to ‘know’. This is the way of the feminine - intuition - and living from this place is powerful beyond measure.

Why show up for this work?

  • Release

    As women today we have grown up in a world that has modelled to us the need to control every aspect of our lives. As a result we are left exhausted, and our relationships are out of balance and in turn dysfunctional.


    History has taught us to be this way, because otherwise we have been suppressed and abused. On top of this, the feminist movement brought us the equal human rights we deserve, but it also left us feeling we needed to be ‘equal’ in every area of life to men.

    However in working/being pushed to be equal, we have forgotten that whilst our value in society, and in the home, is without doubt equal to that of men, it is not, and should not be the same! We have lost our true essence. We have lost ourselves. And in turn our men have also lost their way.

    We exist in relationships today that are not what the natural order of things intended for us.


  • Surrender

    When we step into rediscovering our feminine, and surrendering to her, and in turn to our masculine counterpart, then the true pairing of souls can occur. Together we can journey alongside one another in life: in harmony, achieving greatness.

  • Receive

    Through my work with women, and my friendships with women, I have realised the need for honest, vulnerable and fun (!) conversations about sex, sexuality and sensuality.

    So many women I realise have lost their way when it comes to their sexual desires - knowing them in the first place, and receiving them.

    A huge part of reconnecting to our partners, in a way that lifts us up to our highest potential, comes from coming together again in this sacred, and oh so enjoyable way.

    Surrender to Intimacy will be a path to reconnecting, or enhancing, your sexual relationship with your partner: and it is not work to be skipped.

  • What have you learnt from doing this work?

    ‘I have learned that I was incredibly controlling and I wasn't even aware of it. I have a laidback nature and don't feel 'controlling' at all but when I started to look, I could see the bigger picture. I have always been striving for more balance in my marriage, wanting my husband to step up and take on more responsibility so I felt supported and not like I was his mother. I had no idea it was my grip on control that was preventing more balance in our relationship.’

  • What have you learnt from doing this work?

    ‘I have recognised the blissful ease that surrendering brings, not just in my relationship with my partner, but the other relationships I have with the masculine (father, friends, co-workers/manager etc). When you give respect and trust that they can lead, protect and support you, it gives the space for them to step into that role, rather than competing with you for it. This in turn gives us the space to flow and just be! I’m only just dipping my toes in and I’m so fascinated by the art of surrendering.’

  • What have you learnt from doing this work?

    ‘Learning to surrender has brought a freedom and an ease to nearly all my relationships. That looks different with each of the people I’m connected to but overall I’m more fulfilled within my relationships and I can feel balance restoring.’

  • What have you learnt from doing this work?

    ‘Surrender to me, initially was akin to being a doormat; let men do what they like and say nothing! I was up in arms! What I learned was that surrendering is trusting. Trusting in many ways. To get shopping that actually will feed us, even if the choices wouldn't have been ones I'd make. Trusting that this person can manage their own feelings, and softening to allow them to experience them, not just step in with solutions. Trusting that how that person chooses to move forward in work may not feel like the right choice to me, but softening to acknowledge that the person actually can guide themselves in the ways that they feel called to at that point. Trusting that the person won't hurt you, and that leaning into them, gradually, actually makes them even more protective and responsive. Learning that taking the controlling behaviours out of my responses to all these and other similar situations actually leads to that person empowering themselves!’

  • What have you learnt from doing this work?

    ‘To surrender I believe is to know yourself well enough to be able to ask, or surrender for help. To recognise you aren’t any less for reaching out and actually you end up being more for sharing the roles. Surrendering is more empowering than the word suggests. It’s being able to stand unapologetically in your full power.’

  • What have you learnt from doing this work?

    ‘The key question I keep coming back to is whether I want to be ‘right’ in my relationship or foster intimacy, and this is where ‘surrender’ is so powerful.’

  • What have you learnt from doing this work?

    ‘So much about myself! I've really recognised how I want to control everything, in particular looking after everyone's emotions. It's so good to release that and to realise that I'm trying to do something I can't possibly succeed in. I really notice a difference when I stop myself from saying something unnecessary (sometimes even mid-sentence). It's made a real difference in a few of my relationships.’

  • What have you learnt from doing this work?

    ‘That it feels so good to let go and just allow.’

Surrender to Intimacy is a 10 week container, with both pre-recorded videos and live calls.

There is also the option for 1:1 support from me for those who wish to have a safe and personal space to go deeper.

We begin on the 5th September.

  • What benefits have you felt in your relationship(s)?

    ‘More balance. A deeper connection. Increased frequency of sex, more intimacy and more open conversations in relation to sex. Less stress generally (because I'm releasing control).’

  • What benefits have you felt in your relationship(s)?

    ‘I have noticed my partner wanting to step into the role of protector, leader because I’m giving him that space instead of competing with him or correcting him. By showing him I trust him. I haven’t mastered it at all! But I sure do notice when I manage to surrender how amazing it feels… and how much more at ease, relaxed and in flow I can be.’

  • What benefits have you felt in your relationship(s)?

    ‘Deeper connection. More emotional and physical intimacy. Fun, laughter, joy. Deep respect and reciprocity. More balance, less tension.’

  • What benefits have you felt in your relationship(s)?

    ‘I feel more aware of ALL of the ways my husband has loved me and shown me love, even at times when I couldn't see it or acknowledge it over the many years we’ve been together. It has made me less fearful to rely on him, particularly as a male figure. It has given him a sense that I trust him, even though he hasn't said so. This has been particularly in relation to house related work - he has moved forward with much more confidence to repair some major things in the house, that I often held him back from. So far, they've worked out!!’

  • What benefits have you felt in your relationship(s)?

    ‘Relief, being able to find a way to dance with each other rather than clash. The start of understanding who he is and how he ticks against who I am and how I tick.’

  • What benefits have you felt in your relationship(s)?

    ‘More intimacy and trust have been the biggest things. I've been more open with the things I share and talk to him about. I've also made space for him to do things when he's really the best man for the job.’

  • What benefits have you felt in your relationship(s)?

    ‘More kindness and laughter and just a feeling of more ease.’

  • What benefits have you felt in your relationship(s)?

    ‘More of a team approach, less pressure and expectation on myself.’

I have been learning this way of being for over 20 years now. Through learning, and integration over this time, I have been able to slowly but surely ensure that I am in a marriage that I love. There is still so much work to do, because there are generations of unpicking old stories and old wounds that needs to happen, but without knowing what I am going to teach you in this container, I feel certain I would be in a much less rewarding relationship.

Below you will find words to three different age groups of women, but I encourage you to read them all, regardless of your age, because we are her, and she is us: every woman has every part of herself inside her no matter what her age - something I love and am grateful for beyond any words I could find to explain.

Who is Surrender to Intimacy for?

If you are a woman in her 30s and early 40s, this learning will provide you with a strong foundation as you journey your way through this phase of your life. You are firmly in what is known as the Mother phase (whether you have children or not), and this is the most expansively and playfully creative phase of a woman’s life. You will be starting to feel into your body very differently, and hopefully settle into its beauty more and more. You will know yourself more deeply, and Surrender to Intimacy will help you articulate your needs and desires in a way you most likely have not been able to before. You will also learn that you have not lost the Maiden energy, even though it may feel like you have. We will be exploring how to reignite the flirty, sensual side of you, whilst also bringing you mentally and spiritually closer to your partner (or future partner), as you navigate this often turbulent, but growth filled part of your lives together.

If you are a woman in her 20s, this learning will act for you as it did for me: to allow you to unpick many of the learnt and inherited stories, beliefs and behaviours that will more likely than not show up negatively in your current or future relationships. You will be able to feel more comfortable in your body and mind, as you slowly move from the Maiden phase of your life, towards the Mother phase. You will be poised well for the life ahead of you, as you build your home and family with whoever you choose (or have already chosen) to love. I am so pleased to be able to offer this space to you; I am so grateful I was gifted this knowledge early on.

If you are a woman in your late 40s onwards, this learning, I hope, will bring you freedom in a way you have always known was inside of you but didn’t know how to access. As you reach the time in your life where you should be able live fully embodied in yourself, Surrender to Intimacy will support you to get there. She will also allow you to pull back the intimacy in your relationship, where day to day life has perhaps got in the way. She will support you as you heal, or continue to heal, the wounds that may have held you back thus far, and claim yourself in all your beauty, creativity, sexuality, sensuality and wonder. She will remind you that you have the other half of your life ahead of you, and everything is yours to behold.

Surrender to Intimacy is for you if you feel like you need to exhale.

If when you hear the word ‘Space’ you feel a lightness in your body that you haven’t experienced for a long time.

If you know in your heart that you need to ‘just stop’ and it is not because you are lazy, but because you are ready to come home to your truest essence.

She is for you if you are ready to remember what it is to live fully in your femininity, have balance, trust and intimacy in your relationship(s), and finally give up the feeling of having to do and be it all!

A note first that this programme will be fluid. As a personality, I thrive on moving and adapting with the moment: what is burning on my heart to be shared, as well as the imminent needs of the women I am working with. This is who I am, and if I try to work differently, then the outcome is never as good. Those who have worked with me before will know: rigidity stifles me.

Saying that there are some key components of Surrender to Intimacy that I can say from the outset will be modules within her world. Below you will find their names. I want your intuitive mind to feel into the names and know if they are calling you. Take a deep breath, sink into your feminine flow, and sense for yourself if these are learnings you need, and desire, to move forward with your life from this point on.

The Content

• Surrender not Submission

• United we Stand

• Evolution or Regression?

• Our Father’s Daughter

• Our Mother’s Daughter

• Little Girl in a Man’s World

• The Inner Masculine

• Opposites Attract

• Flirt

• Cyclical Sensuality

• Coming back to Wholeness 

• Expectations

• ’The Happiness Program’

• ‘Whatever you think…’

• Worthiness

• King and Queen

• It takes time

• The One and Only

• New Roots

• Space

How will we journey together?

  • · Through our online portal you will have access to videos and audios from me to absorb throughout each week (not hours and hours of it - just enough to get you thinking, integrating and creating change)

    · I will provide you with suggested exercises for you to carry out as we move together

  • · We will have a community online space for us to download and reflect throughout our time together, on a daily basis if needed

    · We will also have a fortnightly community call - these will be done in small groups so that it feels intimate enough, and safe enough, for everyone to speak if they want to

  • · One of the most important parts of the learning will be what you observe and learn through the shifts and changes you make as you integrate our work together into your day to day life

    · I will encourage you to put what you are learning into practice, as well as engage in important conversations with your partner where appropriate

  • · For those who choose it as an add on, you will also have 1:1 support from me - via voice messaging - amounting to one and half hours a month

    · I am so excited to work with those women who choose to work with me in this way!

    · This is the space where we get to go deeper into the specific things that come up for you as you work your way through the container

    · Nothing is ‘too much’ for me, and I feel privileged to be able to say that women have always felt safe being vulnerable and honest with me - I feel sure you will feel the same, and together we can work through what may have been holding you back

Working with me…

I am someone who, I am grateful to say, women feel comfortable opening themselves to with vulnerability and conviction. I worked as a 1:1 health coach for 4 years, and then more and more moved into business coaching, but so often the conversations have opened up into relationships (family, intimate, friends), self-worth, belief systems, sex...of course it is all interwoven in terms of us stepping into the truest version of ourselves, so it is no surprise.

I am a woman who won't let you hide behind stories anymore - I refuse it for myself, so I will support you to refuse it for yourself as well.

This will transpire throughout this container, in the energy of my videos, but if you choose to work with me more closely, in the 1:1 add on, together we can:

  • Go deep into your story and your belief structure - what has led you to where you are today (personal experiences and generational patterns) - and do the work to let go of old stories that are not serving you

  • I can support you to rewrite your story the way it was always supposed to look, and create the life, and relationship you wish for, as a result

  • I will walk beside you, and be a listening ear, through the ups and downs, to help you gain clarity on, and integrate the learnings from, Surrender to Intimacy

(You can read more about the 1:1 element in the ‘Incase you were wondering…’ section at the bottom of the page).

For those who want to know:

  • 1/3 Generator Triple Split

  • Gene Keys: My deepest purpose in life is to manifest the Gift of Revolution (ha - no surprise to those who know me!). In love the highest expression of my heart is Peace, and in Prosperity, I unlock Prosperity through my Gift of Integrity

  • My top 10 Clifton Strengths are: Strategic, Achiever, Adaptability, Activator, Maximiser, Learner, Command, Relator, Empathy, Belief

  • How have you benefited from doing this work with a community of other women?

    ‘It’s been really joyful to share discoveries with other women, laugh about what we notice, comfort each other in more challenging moments. I’ve learned so much from the other women’s journeys and wouldn’t have made some of my own discoveries if I hadn’t been in conversation with others.’

  • How have you benefited from doing this work with a community of other women?

    ‘Hearing others’ experiences has really helped. Sometimes it's made me aware of another shift I could make in this process. Other times I've been supported when I've struggled or just been reminded why we are doing this.’

  • How have you benefited from doing this work with a community of other women?

    ‘It makes you think of things differently, it’s so wonderful to hear how other people have responded to situations or their reflections on something. It just helps to give more real life experience to the journey.’

  • How have you benefited from doing this work with a community of other women?

    ‘Control is a hard habit to break and having the reminder to surrender within a community has been invaluable.’

  • How have you benefited from doing this work with a community of other women?

    ‘I enjoy sharing stories, tips and also having a group of women to remind me how to surrender.’

  • How have you benefited from doing this work with a community of other women?

    ‘By sharing moments of surrender with other women it expands the tool kit. So then when you come to something you haven’t experienced, you may have heard how another woman dealt with that scenario in a surrendered way.’

  • How have you benefited from doing this work with a community of other women?

    ‘It's been so useful knowing that I am not alone.’

Your investment—The transformation

OK, here’s the thing, I struggled to price this course. So many reasons played into that, but it truly had me umm’ing and ahh’ing for months.

Those who know me well, or have been in my recent programmes, will know I am working hard on truly valuing my work. I have run my Seasonal Cleanse now for over a decade, and recognised this year that it was massively underpriced. In fact I have had several people who have done it tell me so. And then the same with the membership I have been running: The Mothership.

So when it came to pricing Surrender to Intimacy, I knew I had to really sit with it, and decide it from a very considered place. It is an amalgamation of over 25 years of learning and life experience in this space. And on top of that I have consolidated it recently with hours and hours of reading and preparation. All of this with a decade of experience in running group programmes and mentoring women.

However, it is not just this that the cost has to consider. Nor is it ‘the deliverables’ (how many hours of calls and videos, the number of workbooks etc). The price has to represent the transformation, for you. And this is the main reason I knew the price of my other offerings has been too little. Because I know when the commitment is truly there, the transformation for the women who spend time in my world, is huge. And not just for the time within the containers; they are transformations that last a lifetime.

Money is energy. That is all. I actually recently learnt that only 4% of the money that is ‘out there’ physically exists. The other 96% only ‘exists’ because we believe it does. It is literally energy. And I have learnt from experience now — from running my programmes and seeing the women in them, and from investing in myself (which I do a lot!) — that unless the energy of time, passion and transformation is matched reasonably by the energy of the payment, then neither person is truly fulfilled.

So when the time came to decide the prices (full payment or monthly payment option), I went into my bedroom, and picked up my knitting (yes this was my process!). I sat there mindfully knitting each stitch, and then felt the call to stand and breathe, and move my body slightly. I trusted my body to feel into what was energetically right in this moment. The numbers came to me quickly. I wrote them down, and then came into my office to finalise them on the screen. It felt good in my body, a sacral ‘yes’, and so it was. As I have asked you to decide if this container is right for you, based on feeling, fully in your feminine, I am honouring the same in me.

I am sure almost every coach under the sun would tell me it was completely unnecessary to write all of that to you. ‘Just state your price; no need for anything more.’ But the other thing I am embodying now in my business is ‘How would you do something if you had never seen it done before?’ i.e. be your own authentic self, and nothing less. And this is what I felt called to write here, so here it is.

Oh, and the price gives you lifetime access; so you will get all updates, however the container evolves in the future.

Oh, and I have added a 1:1 option that I am VERY excited about. You can read more about it in the ‘rolling pin over the bum’ section above!

C’est tout.

  • What would you say to other women thinking of doing this work?

    ‘I would say, if you are curious, lean in. Find out more. You'd be surprised how much this work can do for you and your relationships. And who doesn't want to improve their sex life?!’

  • What would you say to other women thinking of doing this work?

    ‘I’m always observing how women speak to their partners and without judgement thinking of how I may go about any scenarios in a more surrendered way, which in turn helps me to always keep learning - if they are friends I try to encourage them with ways in which they could surrender more (without coming across as patronising, more in an informing way, with love). So I would say every woman needs to know about this work! I’d say if you want to feel more ease in your life and have the freedom and space to flow as the gorgeous sensual woman you are, trusting the masculine to lead the way, then dive in!!’

  • What would you say to other women thinking of doing this work?

    ‘Do this work. Go there. Be brave. It will serve you, your relationships, your partner, so, so well.’

  • What would you say to other women thinking of doing this work?

    ‘I'd say that surrendering really isn't about being a doormat, about being meek or silenced, but about recognising your person as the powerful being they are, and about learning to trust that they think the same about you. It's all about relaxing, trusting and responding! Sometimes you have sex too!’

  • What would you say to other women thinking of doing this work?

    ‘I would urge women to listen to their inner self and notice what they are feeling and how they can work on themselves, in a container of like minded women you feel held and celebrated.’

  • What would you say to other women thinking of doing this work?

    ‘Think about how you want to feel in your life, and if the answer includes calmer, more free, more connected, softer and supported then open yourself up to this work.’

  • What would you say to other women thinking of doing this work?

    ‘It's not completely about surrender in all ways regardless of what you want. It's about giving up control that you never should have had (and probably never did have). And spending your energy on the things best suited to you. The best way to think is, do I want, for example, to be right or do I want a good relationship with my partner - of course everyone wants to be right but if you look at the bigger picture it's worth far more to surrender.’

  • What would you say to other women thinking of doing this work?

    ‘Leap in, your whole being and those around you will thank you.’

One off payment

Pay in full, and commit fully energetically now (if you can).


(Or £1056 if you choose the 1:1 element add on - see details above, in the list with the lady with the rolling pin over her bum…obviously!)

3 x monthly payments

This option is to support you to join if spreading the cost will be beneficial. I have chosen not to charge more for this option (as is standard for containers such as this), because I have chosen trust. Please only choose this option if you can honour this trust, and can commit to the payments, as this programme is coming from my heart to yours, and has involved, and will continue to involve, a lot of my energy. This is my work. My passion, but my work.

3 x £248

(Or 3 x £352 if you choose the 1:1 element add on - see details above, in the list with the lady with the rolling pin over her bum…obviously!))


In case you were wondering…

  • You will have the opportunity to attend a live community call twice a month. The group sizes will be small, to allow for the feeling of safety and intimacy, so you will be able to book onto calls until the allotted number of spaces has filled up. Then if necessary I will open up more, to ensure everyone gets their opportunity to listen and share fortnightly.

  • The answer is no, especially if you are looking, or planning to look, for someone special in your life. I started this work before I was married to Josh, and I am so grateful I did. It has allowed for us to come together so much more easily, despite, and I don’t exaggerate here, some very real challenges in our relationship.

  • There will be no more than an hour and a half’s worth of video and/or audio content from me a week. There will be sporadic written exercises for you to do, but they will be optional. The calls will be 1-1.5 hours, fornightly, depending on how much women wish to share. Other than that it is integration, which will come through living the learning consciously in your every day lives - no extra time needed for this, and most likely the most important element.

  • Only if you want to.

  • I believe so yes. It is very easy for me, of course, to talk about relationships in terms of a man and a woman, because that is my only experience. I can sometimes refer to the Masculine and the Feminine, but as they reside in us both, it doesn't differentiate to the women I am speaking to (because I am only speaking to women) who I am speaking of. I can of course also refer to 'Partner' but ultimately, for most women, their essence is Feminine, and for men, their essence is Masculine. This is not 'the rule' but it is generally true in my experience, when we dig down to it. As I understand it, in same sex relationships, there can be the occurence that one person is more Masculine and one more Feminine in essence, but also, often, there can be a beautiful dance back and forth between the two, when both polarities are properly embodied in both people. This also happens in a relationship between a man and woman, as both can also do this dance, but there tends to be more of a defined essence in almost all of those relationships.

    The individual work around releasing control, working on your personal journey with the polarities of Masculine and Feminine, often as defined by the relationship with your parents, your place as a woman in Patriarchal society, your relationship with your sexuality and sensuality throughout your cycle, your expectations from a relationship, your ability to surrender - these are all completely separate from what kind of partnership you are in - and all things we will be working through, and more, in Surrender to Intimacy.

  • Logistically you will get an hour and a half each month, to message me with any of your reflections or questions, and for me to reply directly to you.

    If you are like me, I am a huge verbal processor (most women are!). When I speak out my thoughts and feelings to someone who is specifically focused on being there for me, I can more easily sort through what I am actually thinking and feeling - what is mine, and what belongs to someone else, but I have absorbed as mine. With this clarity, I can in turn find answers more easily.

    I will also act as a mirror for you. Sometimes when we speak things to someone else, they can more easily hear our ‘stories’ from our truth, and can reflect that back to us. This is something I have a natural skill with, as a coach, mentor, friend, and I know it is something that is hugely powerful to help women move forward.

    On top of this you will have a very safe space to literally say whatever you want. I am not easily shocked - so it will be a place where you can feel completely at ease to express yourself, and unload.

    I am excited for whoever wishes to take this option of 1:1 work with me within Surrender to Intimacy. I look forward to getting to know you on this level.