Sweet + Sour Radish Pods + Black Beans
Recipes, Food, Blog Rochelle Hubbard Recipes, Food, Blog Rochelle Hubbard

Sweet + Sour Radish Pods + Black Beans

I let my radishes grow very tall + go to seed because the guinea pigs love the leaves more than I love the radishes! To my delight the flowers turned to pods, which I ended up googling + discovering were edible! This is the first thing I created with them + it is delicious! You could do the same with mange tout or any kind of podded vegetable.

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Tempeh, Red Pepper + Millet Soup
Recipes, Food, Blog Rochelle Hubbard Recipes, Food, Blog Rochelle Hubbard

Tempeh, Red Pepper + Millet Soup

This won’t be for everyone. When I was first cooking with tempeh I had no idea what to do with it. It is a fermented soy bean, which beans it is much easier to digest than tofu for example (although you can buy some brands of tofu that are made from fermented soy bean now). It is more textured than tofu, and most people find it unpleasant. The fact that it often has black bits on it, which look like mould (and in fact I believe are mould), doesn’t help. On searching for recipes I came across this one, way back when. It was on a totally random website, which was dedicated to tempeh. It is a completely seemingly random mix of ingredients, but we loved it so much it ended up in my handwritten recipe book that I keep in my kitchen. I am intrigued what you think when you try it.

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Is recovery ever complete?
Blog, Lifestyle, What's on my heart Rochelle Hubbard Blog, Lifestyle, What's on my heart Rochelle Hubbard

Is recovery ever complete?

For those who don’t know, for a multitude of reasons, I suffered with an eating disorder in my late teens, all the way through my 20s. When I became pregnant with Caleb at 28 I stopped starving myself + purging if I ate over a specific amount of calories per day. I decided I would look after myself, for him (not yet for me). After he was born, I regressed slightly, but when he was two my world was flipped upside down. I met my friend Ania, who at the time was training to be a Health Coach, and she opened my eyes to a world which led me to create a true connection with my body, based on respect. I think having just had a baby, seeing the miracle of life, of the human body, first hand in that way, really helped cement for me how miraculous my own body was, and I really felt called to truly care for it.

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Super Easy Gluten Free (Sort of Sourdough) Bread
Recipes, Food, Blog Rochelle Hubbard Recipes, Food, Blog Rochelle Hubbard

Super Easy Gluten Free (Sort of Sourdough) Bread

Last year I tried the Dove’s Farm gluten free bread flour for the first time, and I found it was…OK. Then one day I accidentally left it to prove for too long, and it spilt all over my countertop. I couldn't waste it, so I put it back in the tin, but it being too late to bake at that point, I left it in the fridge overnight to prove again, so I could make it in the morning. The result was a much improved loaf! I told my friend Chris (many of you will know my friend Gus, Chris is her husband), as we have a shared passion for baking, and I knew he made bread with this flour too. Chris has a very process orientated way of working through ideas, and is curious and experimental. I kept experimenting too in a haphazard way (my style!). A month or so ago I was at Chris’ house + he told me his current method, using the principle of a long prove (following on from my discovery). I loved the systematic nature of it, so here it is.

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The Song of the Child
Blog, Lifestyle, What's on my heart Rochelle Hubbard Blog, Lifestyle, What's on my heart Rochelle Hubbard

The Song of the Child

Last week I was listening to an incredible conversation about the schooling system (must listen from Mamalution, episode 49 on the schooling system, which you can find here), and it was mentioned about The Song of the Child from Namibia. I was so touched by the story that I wanted to research it more and share it with you all here. With my research I have not found the detail I had hoped for, but in fact discovered that it may not even be true, so today I am going to share ‘the story’ that has been shared, and then reflect on why, true or not, it touched me, and why I feel the ethos behind it is really relevant to the work we are doing to (re)discover our truth + our purpose.

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Blueberry Cupcakes
Recipes, Food, Blog Rochelle Hubbard Recipes, Food, Blog Rochelle Hubbard

Blueberry Cupcakes

I used to make the most delicious blueberry vegan muffins, which Caleb used to adore as a baby, but I have struggled to make them gluten free. I am still working on it, but in the meantime I have made these, which are more like cupcakes than muffins, and whilst they go a bit dry after the first day, initially they are delicious, and enjoyed by all the family. You can make them with chocolate chips too. I use these as they are sweetened with coconut sugar.

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Spiced Rhubarb Crumble
Recipes, Food, Blog Rochelle Hubbard Recipes, Food, Blog Rochelle Hubbard

Spiced Rhubarb Crumble

Born from having an excess of rhubarb, as these things usually are. Oh, and a love for crumble! Serve with custard or coconut yoghurt. I often make my own custard with arrowroot, turmeric, maple syrup and almond milk, but this time I cheated and used the Just Wholefoods one.

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Broad Bean Delight
Recipes, Food, Blog Rochelle Hubbard Recipes, Food, Blog Rochelle Hubbard

Broad Bean Delight

A great light lunch, that is super quick to make! I grew my own broad beans this year. They are not something I would usually grow because I am the only one who likes them in my house, but we got some in our Mud + Bloom box so I grew eight plants, and the pods from all eight went into this meal, that was just for me…it worked out perfectly!

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Homemade Turmeric Powder
Recipes, Food, Blog Rochelle Hubbard Recipes, Food, Blog Rochelle Hubbard

Homemade Turmeric Powder

When my friend Rania told me about this I was so excited. I bought three bags of fresh turmeric from Riverford in my next order, and this week I got round to making it a reality. It was super easy and the result is amazing! Obviously it stains, so be organised in a way that this doesn’t cause any problems in terms of your clothes or the objects around you.

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Taking back sovereignty + abolishing fear
Blog, Lifestyle, What's on my heart Rochelle Hubbard Blog, Lifestyle, What's on my heart Rochelle Hubbard

Taking back sovereignty + abolishing fear

The world is changing no matter what we believe as to why what happened last year happened, and the ONLY way to really be able to direct how our own lives move, and to step out of fear, is to take full responsibility for every element of our lives that we can. We have been trained into outsourcing every element of our lives for too long, but when we take back the reins, we take back the control. We are the majority. That is all we need to remember. And when the majority don’t ‘need’ them, then they have no control.

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Blog, Lifestyle, What's on my heart Rochelle Hubbard Blog, Lifestyle, What's on my heart Rochelle Hubbard


I am currently working with an incredible man to get really clear on how I move forward with the work I am here to do in this world. How I came to work with Chris is a whole story in itself, but I know without question it was the Universe that nudged me to him. The last 2 weeks we have been discussing many aspects of my personal story, and what has led me to the work I am being called to now. A huge part of this has been discussing my beliefs + values. For some this may be a difficult thing to dive into, but for me it couldn’t come easier. I have always been very black + white. Once I know in my heart something feels wrong, I will stand against it with conviction + passion.

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K + R's Hummus
Recipes, Food, Blog Rochelle Hubbard Recipes, Food, Blog Rochelle Hubbard

K + R's Hummus

This weekend, Katherine had hummus on the menu. Most people avoid making it, but it is so easy, so I thought it would be a good recipe to share, and on the 5th anniversary of hummus-gate, when I happened to be with her again, it just made sense!

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Blog, Lifestyle, What's on my heart Rochelle Hubbard Blog, Lifestyle, What's on my heart Rochelle Hubbard


As I sat on the beach, wrapped up in my coat, facing my friends + family, sun beating down on my face, I suddenly was overcome with pure joy, literally radiating through my heart. The sand beneath me was soft. The sea a magnificence azure blue, sparkling as the sun reflected its beams down on it. Our children ran around in the rock pools beside us, sun kissed, sandy, free. I let my body fall backwards + I lay in the sand, with my hands pressed deep into it. I took some deep breaths + exclaimed: “I have rarely been happier than I am in this moment.”

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Vegetable + Lentil Noodle Broth
Recipes, Food, Blog Rochelle Hubbard Recipes, Food, Blog Rochelle Hubbard

Vegetable + Lentil Noodle Broth

I made this one day when I was looking to use up a load of veggies. I LOVE broths with noodles…LOVE them! The more liquid the better for me (within reason of course!). The mushrooms make this IMO because they add a real depth to the broths. However, if you can’t stand them (because I know they are a bit like marmite) then you can add more flavour with more sea salt + nutritional yeast.

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