Women’s Wisdom Chocolate Delight


I came up with this recipe in 2015, for the first weekend in my training to become a Moon Mother. This weekend marked the beginning of my work in Female Energy Awakening, that you will find snippets of throughout my blog posts, and in more detail here.

I took with me some homemade raw chocolate to share with the other women training, and everyone loved it, so I knew it was a keeper.

You will find the recipe below. Let’s call it Woman’s Wisdom Chocolate Delight – why not!

It also means that the men may leave it alone – ha! My friend and mentor in this space, Jessica Mahle, taught me some wonderful recipes for chocolate using herbs for each phase of my cycle. I love making them, and I especially love that Josh is fearful of eating them in case he grows boobs! All mine…wonderful!

(To be honest though, men can eat it too!)


  • 1 cup of cacao butter

  • 1 cup of raw cacao powder

  • A good grind of sea salt

  • 1 tsp vanilla powder

  • 1/3 cup lucuma (this is a dried powered fruit that adds sweetness)

  • 1/3 cup maple syrup

  • 1/2 cup dried white mulberries

  • 1/2 cup pumpkin seeds (I use activated)

  • 1/3 cup buckwheat grouts (I use sprouted, dehydrated ones, but straight from the packet is fine if needs be, and you can also leave them out)


  1. Slowly melt the cacao butter in a bain marie.

  2. When melted turn off the heat and add in the cacao powder, whisking as you go.

  3. Then add in the sea salt, lucuma and raw honey and whisk again.

  4. Add in the mulberries, pumpkin seeds and buckwheat and stir through.

  5. Line a bowl of some sort with greaseproof paper. I use a round pie dish which approximately is 19cm wide and 3cm deep. In fact it is this one.

  6. Prepare some space in your freezer for the dish to stand flat, and then whisk the mixture again to make sure the honey is combined (it can separate you see).

  7. Then quickly pour the mixture into the dish and put it straight into the freezer to set. This should take about 2 hours.

  8. Once set you can either keep it in the freezer or in the fridge.

Tag me @rochelle.a.hubbard on Instagram or Facebook if you make it! I’d love to see all of your chocolatey makes.


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