The Mothership


The Mothership

I have spent the whole of this week putting the final touches to her realisation, so ‘she’ is firmly on my heart this week. Let me tell you a little about ‘her’:

As I lay in bed late one night in the summer of this year, suddenly she came to me. Literally the words 'The Mothership' popped into my head + within minutes her whole vision had unrolled in my mind.

I nudged Josh, so excited to share it with him. I knew I was being guided to take up the role to support women through these times through this learning.

My whole life really has led to this point. I have never been one to follow the status quo. I have always been striving for something different + something more. Since the beginning of 2020, I have been 'encouraged' to do even more, initially out of the perceived need, but now more + more out of the joy that comes from creating this life with even stronger foundations than I had before.

I am here for this work, for me, for my family, but also for you. I want every woman to claim what is theirs and not have to compromise for anyone. I want every woman to believe they are worthy of that too.

Through the Three Pillars of Freedom (Food, Finances + Family), as well as the process, that I call Sovereign-She (Restore, Reawaken, Release, Rewrite, Reclaim + Renew), The Mothership will be our vehicle for creating momentous change!


The quality of our food is the number one foundation to our health. For many, many decades now, the quality of our food has been compromised for profit. We have slowly but surely been led down a path of forgetting the importance of truly being connected to what is on our plates, and equally we have lost all knowledge how to get it there. We are completely beholden to other people 'feeding' us, and with that also to the quality they deem is 'enough'. These last two years have reminded me of the importance of going back to the earth, and bringing food to my plate on my own. Let's continue that journey together, through learning how to grow food, no matter what garden you have, to the meditative art of foraging.


Over the last 10 years I've built a business that means my family are not tied down to the rules set by anyone. We're free with our time, our finances, and our location. I realised though, in 2020, that I could do more. I could diversify more, and I could work purposefully to be mortgage free, because this was our only debt, but still we were indebted. Entrepreneurship may not be for everyone, but diversification + being purposeful + mindful with your money can, and in my opinion, should be. Whether you're an entrepreneur + want more guidance, or you're a woman who is looking to become more money savvy, and to believe in your worthiness for abundance, The Mothership will support you.


We have always made some pretty huge family life choices, moving a few times now, in order to ensure we have the kind of lifestyle we want for us all. At the end of 2020 we realised that, for us, it was important that we were brought all together, back home, and so we started the homeschooling journey. Homeschooling is not for everyone, BUT I recognise so clearly that part of the change we need to see is coming back to the family (whether you have children or not). Social media, video games, television, both in terms of time, but also content, have caused division in family, and the loss of family values. In turn this causes huge identity issues for the individual. To heal society, we first have to heal the family, and The Mothership will be a safe container to do this.

Sovereign-She - aka. the process

These themes will be woven through the content of The Mothership, as this is the process I recognised I have followed to this point of my life. This process will be subtle as we go, but ultimately it is where we are heading as we embark on taking back control of our Food, Finances + Family.


Cleanse the body + mind


Your connection to your cyclical energies and your Feminine wisdom + flow


Old/inherited wounds + stories that are holding you back


Your story, for you + your family, the way your soul knows it should be!


True freedom + autonomy, without having to sing to someone else's tune


The abundance (meant in every way imaginable!) that you deserve + were destined for

There is SO MUCH more to say…I won't here. I have written a homepage for ‘her’. It is not a cleverly crafted sales page, because I hate that shit myself. It is just an honest portrayal of everything I see in ‘her’ + what she wants to bring to the world, so you can decide if this journey is right for you. I have linked the page up below.

I so hope to see you in there, if it feels aligned.

This week’s Podcast Curiosity

This week I am guided towards: Hesitate


To follow along with my thoughts + feelings, and life adventures, you can find me on Instagram here or you can join my newsletter here. I would love to hear from you if this is something you also choose to explore - the bigger the community around me the better!




Freedom of choice