Embracing the Circle of Life: My Journey Back to Eating Meat
Blog, What's on my heart Rochelle Hubbard Blog, What's on my heart Rochelle Hubbard

Embracing the Circle of Life: My Journey Back to Eating Meat

In a world where dietary choices often spark heated debates and polarised opinions, sharing this with you has been considered and difficult to come to, as my decision to no longer be vegan was in fact itself. However, my journey back to eating meat has been one of personal revelation and connection to what to me feels very true to say as the natural order of life. From vegetarianism to veganism and back again, my dietary path has been a winding road shaped by compassion, prioritising the health of me and my family, and a deepening understanding of our relationship with the environment and Mother Nature.

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Do you go nuts for granola!?
Blog, Food, Recipes Rochelle Hubbard Blog, Food, Recipes Rochelle Hubbard

Do you go nuts for granola!?

Oh how I love granola! Crunchy, yet chewy goodness, for what is quite frankly my favourite meal of the day…breakfast! I also love chocolate in all its antioxidant rich, nutrient dense glory, so chocolate granola…win win!

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