The Blog
Dive into intimate, inspiring (and slightly taboo) stories
My blog is where I share from my heart. I write about motherhood, money, intimacy, becoming sovereign, and so much more. You can also find my recipes here.
Go ahead and explore the library below, or use the search bar to explore a specific topic.

Since motherhood I have been presented with many seasons of deep reflection + contemplation. Each time I have been thrown into uncertainty + inadequacy, but I have always welcomed these moments with curiosity + intrigue. I have always had a sense that good was coming as a result of them, and indeed each time these seasons have completed, I have come out as a truer + more authentic version of myself.

12 (+) years of Motherhood
As I am moving into my 40s in just a month or so now, I realise how true it is that, regardless of having a physical child or not, how much important work we are called to do through this stage of our lives as a woman. Our 30s + 40s call upon us to really know who we are + the gifts that we bring to this world. More + more women of this age are breaking free from the chains that society has tried to pin them down with, and they are realising their potential.

She is Mother
Then one day the earth around her shook. It shook so hard, that cracks started to form around her body. The earth started to part and glimmers of her light started to shine through. She knew there was no hiding anymore. She knew that the time was now.

The Song of the Child
Last week I was listening to an incredible conversation about the schooling system (must listen from Mamalution, episode 49 on the schooling system, which you can find here), and it was mentioned about The Song of the Child from Namibia. I was so touched by the story that I wanted to research it more and share it with you all here. With my research I have not found the detail I had hoped for, but in fact discovered that it may not even be true, so today I am going to share ‘the story’ that has been shared, and then reflect on why, true or not, it touched me, and why I feel the ethos behind it is really relevant to the work we are doing to (re)discover our truth + our purpose.

Healing the Mother Line
I love how the Universe tells us when we are on the right track. As I sat here about to write this I popped onto Instagram to find a message from my Cousin in America. Sarah is in her early 20s, and I have always had a deep connection with her from the time she was a baby.

"It is the Mothers who will Save Us"
Mother’s know their children better than anyone. They don’t do it deductively, logically, it’s instinctive. It is a voice inside them that has been there and been cultivated, cultured, evolved, over 10s, 100s of thousands of years, and it’s the reason we are on this planet now.