The Blog
Dive into intimate, inspiring (and slightly taboo) stories
My blog is where I share from my heart. I write about motherhood, money, intimacy, becoming sovereign, and so much more. You can also find my recipes here.
Go ahead and explore the library below, or use the search bar to explore a specific topic.

Sacred Waters: A Journey into Water Consciousness
Consider for a moment the difference between water sourced from a natural spring and the water that flows from our taps. Spring water emerges from the earth in a state of purity, imbued with vital energy and mineral content. It's alive, vibrant, and in harmony with its surroundings - it is created slowly. In contrast, tap water often lacks this vitality, having been stripped of its natural properties through filtration processes and chemical additives.

Does your bank account act as a mirror for your subconscious beliefs?
Maybe you have never thought of it before, but it is interesting perhaps for you to ponder: is you bank account, not so much a measure of how hard you work but instead a mirror that reflects back to you your innermost beliefs, thoughts, and emotions about money? In most part, I would imagine if you really let yourself go deep into your conditioning, you would agree. This is because beneath the surface of all of us lies a complex network of subconscious patterns dictating our financial reality. Indeed, our relationship with money is deeply rooted in our subconscious, often influencing our financial decisions without us even realising it.

Embracing the Circle of Life: My Journey Back to Eating Meat
In a world where dietary choices often spark heated debates and polarised opinions, sharing this with you has been considered and difficult to come to, as my decision to no longer be vegan was in fact itself. However, my journey back to eating meat has been one of personal revelation and connection to what to me feels very true to say as the natural order of life. From vegetarianism to veganism and back again, my dietary path has been a winding road shaped by compassion, prioritising the health of me and my family, and a deepening understanding of our relationship with the environment and Mother Nature.

Is recovery ever complete?
For those who don’t know, for a multitude of reasons, I suffered with an eating disorder in my late teens, all the way through my 20s. When I became pregnant with Caleb at 28 I stopped starving myself + purging if I ate over a specific amount of calories per day. I decided I would look after myself, for him (not yet for me). After he was born, I regressed slightly, but when he was two my world was flipped upside down. I met my friend Ania, who at the time was training to be a Health Coach, and she opened my eyes to a world which led me to create a true connection with my body, based on respect. I think having just had a baby, seeing the miracle of life, of the human body, first hand in that way, really helped cement for me how miraculous my own body was, and I really felt called to truly care for it.

Returning Home to our Purpose
The other day I was sitting writing notes on a knowledge that was downloading to me, thanks to all of the information I have been absorbing (I am going to reference those who have been teaching me at the end). I wanted to share with you my initial download. This is the process I have been on, and continue to integrate right now. This is the process I know I am here to lead others towards.

Healing the Mother Line
I love how the Universe tells us when we are on the right track. As I sat here about to write this I popped onto Instagram to find a message from my Cousin in America. Sarah is in her early 20s, and I have always had a deep connection with her from the time she was a baby.