The Blog
Dive into intimate, inspiring (and slightly taboo) stories
My blog is where I share from my heart. I write about motherhood, money, intimacy, becoming sovereign, and so much more. You can also find my recipes here.
Go ahead and explore the library below, or use the search bar to explore a specific topic.

Is now the right time to get busy again?
Every year from Christmas to early January, I have little to do with my phone, and certainly nothing to do with work. Over the few days of Christmas itself, I have nothing to do with my phone at all. It feels so incongruent to me to be near it. In fact generally I dislike my phone. I like nothing more than to leave it behind when I go out (once to my misfortune as I got a flat tire, but I made it through with the help of a friendly passer by!). The more I connect to nature through my garden and through foraging, the more of a distaste I have for distraction through being online. That deals with my phone though, what about work?

Guide or By-stander?
I was replying to a message Gus left me, and the realisation came to me that we have moved from the paradigm of ‘controlling’ our children (not good!), to being scared by-standers in their lives! We fear being the overbearing parents of the generations before, which many of us rightly have trauma associated with, on top of societal pressure to pander to our children's every whim. We have therefore moved from one extreme to another, and it has led us to being a by-stander in our child's journey through developing their beliefs and values.

The Song of the Child
Last week I was listening to an incredible conversation about the schooling system (must listen from Mamalution, episode 49 on the schooling system, which you can find here), and it was mentioned about The Song of the Child from Namibia. I was so touched by the story that I wanted to research it more and share it with you all here. With my research I have not found the detail I had hoped for, but in fact discovered that it may not even be true, so today I am going to share ‘the story’ that has been shared, and then reflect on why, true or not, it touched me, and why I feel the ethos behind it is really relevant to the work we are doing to (re)discover our truth + our purpose.