Taking back sovereignty + abolishing fear


Freedom over Fear

Last year was really tough for me, certainly from April until around September. I know last year was tough for everyone, but I think it is fair to say that 2020 hit us all in many different ways. For me my world was shook as I started to understand the constructs that society was built on, constructs that I had, in most part, believed were there to keep us safe, but began to realise in fact existed almost entirely for their own gain and power. Don’t get me wrong. I had a healthy scepticism of ‘the system’ always, but last year any delusions that remained were completely blown apart. I became very scared for the future of my family. I had believed so strongly that everything I had in life was fully within my control, and could never be taken away from me. I believed this future existed for my children too. That we, they, would have the freedom always to live exactly as we chose - that we were free beings. When I started to see very clearly that this was not the case, I felt completely out of control, and at times I wondered why bother making plans at all; it seemed futile.

I know I was ahead in my realisations compared to many, because having worked through this now (which I will go on to explain - I promise it gets more positive), I receive messages regularly from other women who are only just waking up to this reality and they themselves are scared, as I was. What I want to do here today, indeed for always, as I know now this is all part of my purpose on this planet, is to empower you to realise that this time is a gift, and we do in fact hold the power.

For many the niggles inside that things just ‘don’t feel right’ are easier to push down. I get that. However, if enough people listened to their instincts and started to seek another way, then ultimately we are the majority. My belief is that if it comes to it enough people would realise this, so my first point of comfort is that we are just this, the majority. Proportionally the majority of the world’s wealth lies in the hands of the 1% but it relies on us going along with the system. As and when we stop doing this, they lose their power.

I sense this mass awakening is a while off yet, but what I have realised is there is so much we can do as we wait.

What have I been doing?

Inner work

I believe that the first port of call is for women to turn into themselves. We are so easily distracted by ‘social causes’ today. I am seeing more and more that this is part of the drive to divide us: divide and conquer. We are taught that by standing for social causes we can fix the world. However, ultimately what this does is distract us from looking into ourselves and doing the work to be more conscious, more connected, more healed on an individual level. If every human turned inwards and worked on being the best version of themselves, there would be no need to fight social causes, there would be none. The division suits ‘the system’ but the biggest way we can rebel is to not fall into the trap, and instead look inside: to understand our wounds, to heal, to take responsibility for our own lives, to rise to our highest potential. This work is not easy, but it is where it has to start!

Food supplies

I am going to sit and write a whole blog on this but one of the realisations I have had this last year is how controlled the food supplies are. Billionaires are buying up farm land left, right and centre. They are pushing out small farmers and historically sustainable practices. The 1% have the power right now to shut off our food supply whenever they want to. And most people would be screwed because they have no idea how to grow their own food. It stretches beyond this into seeds. Again seeds are being targeted, as natural remedies have been over the last few decades, to make it more and more difficult for heritage seeds to be sold. The seed supply is slowly being manipulated and again there is a distinct possibility that they will become a commodity that is difficult to obtain. Not only do I think it is important to learn how to grow your own food, but I am also now learning how to harvest the seeds from what I have grown. If none of this comes to pass (which I hope it doesn’t!), at the very least I have learnt something that connects me back to Mother Earth, which has huge spiritual and emotional benefits for me. The joy I feel being so connected to my food is beyond comparison. Top tip: stock up on organic heritage seeds. Cheap but so valuable! Also, have some seeds you can sprout for easy + quick nourishment. Check out more about sprouting here.


We already know our water is dead. Not only is it dead but it is pumped full of chemicals. We can filter it (please do!), but do we take for granted how easily it comes out of our taps? I now have four water butts so I can collect rainwater. I don’t want to water my plants with chemical tap water anyway, so it serves me well for that, but also it means I have a way to collect water to drink if needs be. Next is to learn to find water from the ground - ha ha - are you still with me? I know some of you are at least.

How much have we forgotten that our ancestors used to do without thinking? How intricately connected were we to the earth! Immensely! How liberating is it to start to re-learn this? VERY! How much more in control do you feel? So much more!

Natural well-being

Short + simple. Start eating real food. People today are numbed + sick by the junk they put into their bodies. So much today numbs + dumbs us down. Our food, our water, the stuff we watch on TV, video games - it is all designed to keep us in check. Eat real food. Stop relying on pharmaceuticals to prop you up! Heal from within with diet + an active lifestyle. Turn to herbs, essential oils, homeopathy for their healing powers when you need them. OF COURSE allopathic medicine has a part to play for acute conditions, when we really need it, but it is over used and it is a source of our lack of control. Take control of your life in the easiest way you can: cut out the toxicity in your food + in your environment - you won’t regret it!


Tough one. Regardless of ‘belief’ there is a general acceptance that our money system is likely to collapse. The dollar used to be the central way of valuing all other currencies, and it could be such because it was backed by gold. However this stopped in 1971. This gave licence for countries to print money as they wanted to. And they literally have! Money today is worthless. It is just paper. Nothing more. Its value is only defined by the fact that people say it has value. The minute they stop then it all falls apart. I am no expert here but it is an area I am working on learning about fast. I am focusing on investing in assets at the moment that will help me be as self-sufficient as possible short-term (the garden, water supplies, stocks of some dry foods), and dabbling with some crypto and other ways of diversifying money outside of banks, but I still have a lot to learn. I am in the process of trying to know if it is right to pour money into our mortgage or not, whether to have money in conventional banks, whether crypto is safe or just another distraction. I trust I will know when I need to know, but I am also aware that in order to know this I need to have done a lot of learning and a lot of breaking down of conditioning I didn’t even know I had. I wanted to share this with you because I truly think taking control of our money is fast becoming one of the most crucial ways we can take control of our lives in general right now. Some say money as we know it will become irrelevant, others think crypto is what will take over, others say it will be something else entirely; either way diversifying seems to make sense, and owning tangible and useful assets is always going to be sensible. If you can invest in land I think that makes a lot of sense. A lot of people are having the same thought though so it is getting bought up fast. This is a great podcast to listen to as a starting point.


I was talking to my friend the other day about the school system. A lot of parents are worrying right now because of the introduction of the jab into schools. Children as young as 12 years old are not going to need permission from their parents. We have seen over the last year how much control schools have in terms of what they can require of children in order to ‘allow’ them an education. On top of this we have the issue of what children are being taught in school. Propaganda is rife within schools. The curriculum is so narrow that children’s perception of the world becomes as narrow. Instilled beliefs around ability + capability are a huge problem too. So much of what we end up believing about ourselves comes from what we are taught at school, in terms of content, but also about what we are ‘good + bad’ at. As well as this there are the very negative influences that come from peer pressure in an unchecked environment that is coloured by children’s exposure to society’s warped expectations + the media portrayal of ‘the ideal’. My friend was looking for a way that she could ‘fight’ the school system. I admire every parent who is fighting for their children’s rights to education without restriction right now, but I had to reply to her that I have come to realise that the only true way to fight this is to extract from the system completely. It is broken beyond repair + it is my belief that only something new is the answer. For now that looks like homeschooling. There are some amazing initiatives arising amongst collective communities (which may well be the way many of us end up living in general), but as it currently stands, in order to harness control in this area of our lives, we chose to homeschool. You can read my experiences of this here, and Josh’s experiences here.

Mainstream Media

Pretty simple. Switch it off. It is amazing how your reality changes when you do. So much of what people believe is not based on their lived reality but instead what they are told is true and what they are told to believe. If you haven’t already, just cut it out. I would include in this social media too. I have completely come off of Facebook. It is amazing how much calmer and relaxed I feel as a result. It is amazing how much more present in my true reality I have found myself.


Find your people. I have been so lucky to have met and already know SO many people who are working at the same level of consciousness as me and are ready to stand for their freedoms. If you have not found your people yet, find them as a priority. I would suggest you find your local Stand in the Park (if you are in the UK), where likeminded souls meet every Sunday at 10am. I have been to a few across the country and every time I have met amazing people. It is not a protest, for those who don’t like the idea of those. It is just a gathering of likeminded souls. You can find your local one via this telegram group; there are loads. In fact, come to think of it, I believe Stand in the Park started in Australia, so they are in fact global. Telegram is the best place to search and find your local group. In short meet with people. Don’t stop meeting with people. Hope + strength comes from being with others who are working towards the same future as you.

Financial Independence

On the subject of money I truly believe the more we can do to be the masters of our own income the better. No matter what financial system we end up with, if we have the skills + level of knowledge + belief in ourselves that we have something to offer to the world, independent of the constraints of ‘a 9-5’, then we will always have the ability to be financially independent. Most of this is mindset. First of all working on the belief that we have something unique to offer to the world, and secondly then the belief that we can attract people to wanting it in their lives. All of this first starts with the inner work I mentioned first though. In fact literally all of what I have mentioned relies firstly on believing you are capable of being independent from the confines of the system as it currently exists. Do you believe you need it? Do you believe in your ability to truly be a free entity?

In conclusion

I know for some of you this is going to seem out there. I am aware though that for the majority of my readership this is very much at the forefront of your minds. I wanted you to know that the last nine months of my life, as I have stepped out of being frozen with fear, into action, have been some of the most vibrant and exciting of my life. I wanted to raise all of the above here, wherever you are in your journey so far, so you can have this in your psyche, whether you decide to think about it now or not. I am very aware that I am surrounded by people thinking about these things every day, but I know not everyone is. The world is changing no matter what we believe as to why what happened last year happened, and the ONLY way to really be able to direct how our own lives move, and to step out of fear, is to take full responsibility for every element of our lives that we can. We have been trained into outsourcing every element of our lives for too long, but when we take back the reins, we take back the control. We are the majority. That is all we need to remember. And when the majority don’t ‘need’ them, then they have no control.

Let freedom abolish fear. I promise you it works.

With love, and in constant pursuit of truth,

Rochelle x


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Gluten Free Coconut Yoghurt Flatbreads


Watercress, Broccoli + Pea Soup