She is Mother


She is Mother

Deep in the belly of the Earth, she lay: still, quiet, unassuming. She knew that the world around her didn't enjoy her light. She knew that if she tried to fill up too much space, she would be pushed down. She lay there, not knowing what her next move would be, but knowing that her time would come.

Then one day the Earth around her shook. It shook so hard, that cracks started to form around her body. The Earth started to part and glimmers of her light started to shine through. She knew there was no hiding anymore. She knew that the time was now.

She knew with every cell in her body that she needed to claw her way up through the cracks and break them open or wide. She knew, she knew, oh, she knew.

She knew that the children of the world needed her. She knew that the Masculine, that had been so toxic for so long, needed her to step out and shine, and claim what was rightfully hers.

She knew she needed to step barefoot on the Earth. She knew she needed to dig into the Earth with her hands, to take seeds and plant them, nurture them, and harvest them in time - she knew it was her calling to work with the land + nourish those that she loved.

She knew that she had to claim back control of her ability to provide for herself and her family. She knew that everything that she had been dreaming of as she lay in the belly of the Earth, hiding, was there, ready for her to take and ready for her to receive.

She knew, she knew. She knew that she must stand tall. She must stand strong. She must hold hands with the other women who had also been hiding their light. She must stand in circle with each of these women, holding hands, taking strength through the energy of one another.

She knew that when their light combined, no darkness could prevail anymore. She knew that when she'd broken free from the system, when the darkness could no longer control her and tell her what she could and couldn't do, that it no longer would have any power over her, over her children, over the children of the Earth.

She knew she could take those that she loved into her arms, hold them tight, keep them safe, teach them the ways of the wise women of the past, wisdom that was deep inside her, that she had finally unleashed, and that would never be pushed down again

With mud in her nails, with the mud on her feet, with wind in her hair and sun on her skin, she was ready. She was risen.

She IS mother.


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