Rochelle Hubbard

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Returning Home to our Purpose

Over the last 2 years I have been slowly fed information to prepare me for my next ‘upgrade’, as I alluded to last week when I shared my poem. The intensity of the ‘upgrade’ is hitting me now. It is both exciting and exhausting, but I am so in for growth, I am so in for finding my soul’s calling, that I will work through all the intensity and fatigue that comes with this kind of reflection and forward movement.

The other day I was sitting writing notes on a knowledge that was downloading to me, thanks to all of the information I have been absorbing (I am going to reference those who have been teaching me at the end). I wanted to share with you my initial download. This is the process I have been on, and continue to integrate right now. This is the process I know I am here to lead others towards. Don’t be surprised if this upgrade sees some changes with how I communicate with the world, and the offerings I bring. It will see those changes, and I am open to them coming in a big way! Standing still bores me to death I realise. It is probably why I like to move house and area so much. It is definitely why I am in the business of coaching women. I thrive on forward motion, and supporting others to find it in themselves. But how? Here is what I think may be the process, and the tools to do it are plentiful and varied, and can be based on who you are, but however you get there, this, I believe, is the goal:

  1. We are all born with a calling, the thing we are born to bring into this world, and equally we are delivered with an innate knowledge and belief in our ability to fulfil it. When we arrive earth side we also have a deep intuition to know and trust ourselves implicitly.

  2. However, life’s experiences, and the relationships we grew up with, particularly in our formative years up until the age of 7, but also beyond into our early 20s, knocked down our fortification, and sent us off track. Many of us lose faith in our purpose, and our belief in ourselves, and in some cases (sadly a lot), we forget completely what we are here to do.

  3. So, ‘the work’ is first to remember! Remember who you are to the core and what your purpose is on this earth. This is not easy to do. There are so many layers to unpeel and so many historical weights dragging us away from remembering and knowing this (not even necessarily just from our lifetime, but also generationally). This is where we have to use tools to support us. Some I have been using range from Clifton Strength’s Finder to Human Design, both VERY different in ideology, but interestingly more often than not giving the same result (almost like it is actually true - you are unique and have a specific purpose!!!!). Beyond these ‘tests’ there is much deeper work of personal observation, acknowledgement, acceptance and integration, but these at least act as a foundation from which to start.

  4. We then have to do the work to build our belief back. We have remembered who we are, and who we are here to be, but that is nothing without believing we can do it. Brittany Eastman, who I will reference properly at the end, refers to this as ‘evidencing’ to ourselves that we can believe again. We remember who we are, we challenge ourselves to start stepping into being that person, consistently (!), and in doing so the universe (or ‘macro’ as Brittany refers to it) recognises we are ready to receive more. In us receiving more (opportunities, abundance, true love…whatever it is), we are evidenced we are on the right track - so we trust ourselves a little more, step out a little more, and slowly but surely we reach a point where we are truly living in our authenticity.

My poem from last week represented me stepping out a little more, and I can tell you, already the ‘evidence’ has started coming back at me. Those who know me will know I don’t lack opinion, and I am happy to share it, but what I have recognised is that my worth has always been attached to academic, professional or ‘Motherhood’ achievement. My opinion, my voice, has often not been welcomed. As a child I was never particularly valued for my opinion. Sure I was praised at school for analysing a novel well, or critiquing something in a Politics class, but never for any opinion I had that fit outside of the norm. And so, as I have grown older, and people have told me they see something special or different in me (which I increasingly recognise is my deeper purpose that they have seen and felt), I have brushed it aside. I have never let it integrate fully into how I live and work, because I didn’t trust it. I didn’t see worth in it! When in fact it is what I am here to do. I am here to listen intently to what I am being guided to learn, process it, assimilate it, share it with conviction, and inspire others to create change for themselves, to be the greatest version of themselves, in the process. That is my calling. Yours may be to be the most incredible dancer, inspiring others and evoking deep emotion with your movement. It may be being a gardener, weaving magic into the earth, and teaching others to feed and nourish themselves from seed to plate.

I have so much more yet to come here. I like to run before I can walk sometimes, so bear with me as it evolves. This felt right to share as a starting place though as it has sat with me all week.

I want to acknowledge 2 people before I go. Chris Smith from The Campfire Effect and Brittany Eastman. Go and check them both out if you want to dig deeper in this. Their approach, quite different, but with the same intended outcome, may resonate with you. There have been others who have supported me on this path (aka life!); mainly friends, all in ways they perhaps have not even realised. I will link you to one special friend though, as you may connect with his work with Clifton Strength’s, which he delivers in his own unique way: Per Thomsen.

And in case you haven’t read it yet, seeing as I referenced it twice: my poem.

Until the next download…

Rochelle x

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