Louise, the wonderful woman who helps me in my business, asks me at the beginning of every week what I am going to write about in my Soul Review in the coming week, so she can set up the template for me. Louise also receives my Soul Review on a Sunday morning, and almost every week I imagine her wondering why she bothers asking me. I pretty much always change almost every aspect: the recipe, the oil and the blog. This week is no exception! I was going to write about something completely different, and perhaps will write about it next week still, but this morning it was very clear to me what I was being guided to share when I sat down to write this afternoon.

A note on pride!

Those of you who know me or follow me on social media will know my stance on what is happening in the world right now. If you don’t know, feel free to ask me, or join my Telegram channel as we can be quite open there.

I have very real concerns about the experimental nature of what the majority of people are running off merrily to get pumped into their bodies all around us. I knew from very early on that this is what ‘they’ wanted this to lead to, whether it be for money or more sinister intentions (in my opinion, both!), but I had such hope that people would figure it out in time and not succumb to it. I know many have, and the numbers are rising every day, but most have not.

Something shocked me to my core yesterday. Someone very close to us as a family, who I know is not scared for herself personally, went and received her first load (yes I am being careful about the words I use as I write this, in case you felt like I am being vague...words apparently aren’t as freely allowed as they used to be you see!). This wasn’t for herself, but instead to protect others - even though it doesn’t actually protect anyone in that way because it doesn’t stop the individual passing it around! However, this is what ‘they’ have made people believe. Those of you in the UK will be very aware of the ‘Look them in the eye’ campaign - it is pure propaganda, and it is working! It went further though. Apparently the whole village (quintessentially pretty English village) were out in their droves, lining up for it, and they had volunteer Marshalls who were helping guide them in the right direction, in and out - if that doesn’t sound like cattle then I don’t know what does?! I used to live in this village. I know the mentality. I know the pride these Marshalls would have felt, along with all the community coming together, ‘to do their part’ - British people ‘at their best’ - pulling together in a war effort - they really have done a number on ‘us’!

This was reiterated later by a friend telling me that her friend cried when she got it! Not because of the pain of course, oh no, but because she was proud to be part of the solution!

So here is where I start to get really pissed off! Is this actually worthy of ‘pride’!?

About 6 months ago I read something which really resonated with me. We have all been trained to believe that our self-worth and our purpose comes from taking up social causes and fighting for them tooth and nail. If we fight for this cause or that cause we are a good person, we will fix the world, we have a purpose to get up every morning - we can be proud of who we are! I know this to be true because as a young woman this was me. I was a staunch vegan and environmentalist. I have always been a passionate humanitarian. One of my strengths is empathy. I feel everything to the extreme and I have a deep desire to help people (and animals) live a better life.

However, on reading the post I refer to above, I realised that, as I have been on the journey of reconnecting to myself and taking complete self-ownership for my life, the activist side has become far less pronounced (I can imagine some of you thinking “Goodness...what was she like before!” - ha!). The post I read articulated this well. All of these social causes are a distraction! They are a distraction from doing the work ourselves! It explained that if every one of us turned inwards and did the work to emotionally heal, to take ownership of our health, to do our bit to reduce waste, to create deep and meaningful connection with our food sources (I could go on, and will later), then in fact the world would be fixed without all the ‘social effort’. And even if not everyone could do it, for whatever reason, if those who were investing so much time in helping others, started from that place, they would be way more effective at helping others when the time came to do so.

But this is not how the world is set up. ‘They’ wouldn’t want us to do this work, to take responsibility for our own lives, for our own health, because if the majority of us came from that place then ‘they’ would lose the power. Not only this though but (and perhaps because of how things have been orchestrated for a long time now, but perhaps also just because of human nature) most people like it this way - the easy way out - let’s outsource our minds, our bodies, our lives - and then shout about a bunch of social issues, because it gives us some sense of purpose, it give us pride!


  1. a feeling of deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one's own achievements, the achievements of those with whom one is closely associated, or from qualities or possessions that are widely admired.

  2. consciousness of one's own dignity.

‘One’s own achievements’. Is standing in a queue to have a cocktail of chemicals, still in trial phase may I add, a personal achievement? Is it a community achievement? I am going to go with no.

Here are some things that, in my opinion, are worth a sense of pride, and they all come back to taking true personal responsibility:

  • Consciously nourishing your body (and those that you love’s bodies) with whole foods, as nature intended, every day

  • Working hard to create financial independence, out of the system (as much as possible)

  • Carving out time to purposefully move your body

  • Doing the research and figuring out every way you can to reduce the toxicity in your home

  • Doing the work to emotionally heal, from your own experiences and generational wounds

  • Consciously choosing and nurturing healthy and nourishing relationships - choose ‘your village’ and rise up with them

  • Switching off ‘the noise’ - doing your own research, using critical thinking

  • Switching off ‘the noise’ - stop using it to numb out, and get out in nature and listen and connect

  • Consciously consuming - supporting companies who want to do good, taking their own personal responsibility for their actions

  • Consciously consuming - not using mindless consuming as a way of numbing out

  • Grow your own food - be in partnership with Mother Earth

  • Water - literally consciously choose the water that goes into your body - we are close to 70% water - here is a place we should be taking personal responsibility in a big way, and not just turning on the tap!

  • Work on loving yourself and showing yourself compassion - when you do this you will find it easier to love and show compassion for others too

How do you think it would be if everyone did this? I know I am preaching to the converted, in the case of most people who will be reading this. I wanted to put it out there though. I wanted it to be said out loud. If everyone came from this place, to the best of their abilities, then when we came together we would be limitless! Limitless in doing good! All of this isn’t easy either. Especially in today’s world. For sure, if we all worked on the list above, every day, we would no longer need to outsource our health, and the world, without doubt, would be a happier place for us all to live - without the need of chemical cocktails and Marshalls to herd around the ‘proud’ masses! For sure, if we all worked on the list above, every day, we could rightly feel proud!

By the way, I am still a vegan (for me the choice now to be plant based is that I feel it is the healthiest choice for my body). I am still passionate about protecting Mother Earth. I am still very much an empath, wanting to help others. BUT I stopped shouting at others to do it, and rather I started with me, and, I hope, instead, inspired others to find their own way to take their own personal responsibility. Granted...today is a bit of a shout...but times are weird, and needs must.

As I said...I am pissed off! And I am OK with being pissed off, because our voices need to be heard! Enough with this crap! We all need to turn inwards and do the work that is worth being proud of! And we need to start now! What are you proud of today? (And if it is getting jabbed...don’t bother writing it below! ;-) )

Join me on Telegram here. You need to download the app first and then come back and click to join my channel. I am loving it because it has everything in one place. Channels so you can hear from those you want to, without algorithms, group chats with family and friends, and then 1-2-1 ‘texting’. It is so refreshing to not be mindlessly clicking through loads of apps all the time, and there is nothing addictive about it once you are in there, to pull you into thoughtless, numb, scrolling. Come and check it out if you haven’t already.)


Emotional Resilience - Therapies


Tomato, Courgette & Borlotti Bean Soup