Mother Line Fruit Salad


Today I made a video teaching you how to prepare oranges the old fashioned way. I put a sped up video of me doing it on my Insta stories a couple of weeks ago + so many of you asked me to make a slower tutorial, so I obliged of course. I have included it here with a ‘recipe’ to turn it into fruit salad. The remembrance of preparing foods from the Earth, within the walls of our homes, and teaching that to our children, is fundamental for the health of humanity. It’s this lost knowledge that has us in the state we are in today, and it’s time to bring it back. If we all start with what seems like 4 simple oranges, we will create momentous change - I truly believe it!

Serves 2-3 people


  • 4-6 oranges

  • Any other fruits you want (I like persimmon, kiwi, apples, pear + banana)


  1. Prepare the oranges as per the video below.

  2. Chop up any other fruit you want.

  3. Enjoy!

OK…it is not so much of a recipe, but the purpose is more how to prepare the oranges…here you go:


Tag me @rochelle.a.hubbard on Instagram if you prepare this! I would love to know what you think. You can also join me on Telegram here.




Rest, Connection + Surrender