Rochelle Hubbard

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"It is the Mothers who will Save Us"

The title of this blog is in speech marks because it is something my friend, a mother herself to 2 children, and a passionate advocate of health, Gus said to me back in the summer. She had just listened to Robert F Kennedy Jr. speaking to Dr. Andrew Wakefield, and what she took from it was just that: “It is the Mothers who will Save Us”.

It struck me so much, and resonated with me so deeply that I knew I had to expand on it in a written piece. You may have noticed, I love to write, and in fact I find I process a lot of my thoughts as I do so.

This year has been life changing for every single one of us. Whilst some of our experiences have understandably been very similar based on sheer circumstance of our environment and the restrictions which have been placed upon us, it is also true that for many of us our eyes have been opened to things we could never have imagined. I won’t go into the detail here (mainly because I would need to write a thesis to cover the depths of learning so many of us have undertaken this year) but also I know that if you know, you will know what I am talking about. Corruption runs deep! Deeper than even those who knew the system wasn’t there to truly look out for us; deeper than even we could have imagined. Our eyes have been opened, our hearts have been broken, but from this we have grown stronger and more resilient. This needed to happen, and we were born for these times!

As women our intuition is our gift. Sadly society and all that it rests upon has numbed the intuition of so many. Poor diet, bombardment of our cognitive functions by all the media channels, toxic overload, chemical filled water, lack of time in nature, have all played their part in reducing our ability to connect deep within ourselves and hear and know the truth. If some of us try to, we are knocked down, as the Patriarchal system wants to quieten us - silence us - for fear of exposure. One thing that this year has brought is a greater commitment by many of us to not let this fear rule us, and we are seeing the results of that starting to manifest as this year draws to an end.

And now we come to a mother’s intuition. I do not believe that you necessarily have to have had a child to access this wisdom and strength, much of it can come with age and inner work, but certainly the knowledge that your own flesh and blood may be in danger awakens a force beyond measure! This is a force that has been underestimated now for millennia. It is a force that up until now has been suppressed and constrained within the walls of our homes, apart from the brave few. But no more! All over the world we are seeing people go out on the streets to stand up for our rights for freedom, and the majority amongst them are women, many of them mothers. When we tune in, truly, we know what is right and what is wrong, and we are strong and powerful, more than they know, but we know it to our core!

Earlier today I sat and listened to Robert interviewing Andrew and transcribed their conversation. I share it with you below. Two men who have risked everything to stand for what they know to be true, and yet share the knowledge that, as Gus so perfectly summarised, “It is the Mothers who will Save Us”, and they are right, we will!

Andrew: “What inspires me, and should inspire people watching this (his film - 1984 The Act), is it is about one of the most powerful forces in the universe, and that’s the power of the maternal intuition, a mother’s intuition. Mother’s know their children better than anyone. They don’t do it deductively, logically, it’s instinctive. It is a voice inside them that has been there and been cultivated, cultured, evolved, over 10s, 100s of thousands of years, and it’s the reason we are on this planet now. We are not here because of Tony Fauci, or public health, or vaccines, or antibiotics or doctors, we are here because of maternal instinct. And we will be here in many thousands years time, if we choose to listen to that instinct.”

Robert: “I think that is the same thing that got you into this mess and ended up destroying your career, is this belief that the mother really knows what’s happening to these children.”

Andrew: “I have no doubt of it, and it is not an emotional argument, it’s not an emotional nuance, it’s a survival imperative. It is as old as the hills, it’s an ancient wisdom, and the medical profession, and most certainly the industry would like to usurp that, they would like to take it away, they would like to convince you that the doctor knows best. No he doesn’t. No he doesn’t. And when people individually and collectively realise that power, and when husbands realise that they have it to some extent, but nothing like their wives that they trust, their wives’ intuition, then they can take back that power.”

You can listen to the full interview here.

That is all for now - I will see you out there!