Green Banana Breakfast Bowl


So simple. So nutritious. So delicious! I have been making this for my breakfast, interspersed with cacao chia seeds, most days over the last few weeks. And I have learnt the hard way (because it kept being stolen) to make a portion for Savannah too!

‘Ice cream’ for breakfast!? Don’t mind if I do!


  • 3 bananas, peeled and frozen in advance (chopped small before freezing if you don’t have a high speed blender)

  • 1/2 ripe avocado (or a whole one if small)

  • 3 tbsp of greens powder (I use Pure Synergy, but you can use far cheaper ones if you need to that contain less expensive ingredients - this is super sonic, but use something with less in, if needs be - just make sure it is organic and no additives)

  • 1 1/2 tbsp of plant based (go for a clean one) protein powder

  • Chosen toppings: I like cacao nibs, dried mulberries, goji berries, pumpkin seeds - you could use anything


  1. Put it all into a high speed blender. Blend. (If you don’t have a powerful blender, you may need a little plant based milk to ease it in to blending.)

  2. Put it into a bowl. Top with toppings.

  3. Enjoy


Tag me @rochelle.a.hubbard on Instagram if you make it! I’d love to see it. You can also join me on Telegram here.


First comes knowledge...

