
“Make (someone) stronger and more confident, especially in controlling their life and claiming their rights.”

As I sat on the beach, wrapped up in my coat, facing my friends + family, sun beating down on my face, I was suddenly overcome with pure joy, literally radiating through my heart. The sand beneath me was soft. The sea a magnificent azure blue, sparkling as the sun reflected its beams down upon it. Our children ran around in the rock pools beside us, sun kissed, sandy, free. I let my body fall backwards + I lay in the sand, with my hands pressed deep into it. I took some deep breaths + exclaimed: “I have rarely been happier than I am in this moment.”

This was last week, April 2021, in Devon, England. I wasn’t in Spain, the Bahamas, Australia. I was home.

In a time when our perceived freedoms are being taken away from us at every turn, in that moment I realised something: I am empowered. The definition above pertains to organisations who exist to empower people + communities. It is not an organisation that has made me empowered though, it is this past year, and the experiences I have had, the relationships I have formed, and the truth that has become firmly rooted in my heart. I am stronger and more confident thanks to this last year, and I am, for the first time in my life, fully aware of how much control I have over my life + I am so passionate about claiming my rights, as a sovereign being!

In that moment as I lay back on the beach everything settled in for me. The joy that radiated through me came because I felt fully embodied as a sovereign being. I felt free. I am free. We are all free.

The more our ‘freedoms’ are taken away the more opportunity we all have to discover our true freedom. Nobody can stop us enjoying life in each individual moment. Nobody can. All of the control is within us. So I cannot (and maybe for a while now won’t be able to) go to Spain, the Bahamas, Australia, but does that leave me feeling disempowered? No! It actually leaves me feeling more empowered. When a bully says “Give me your pocket money and I will let you play with my friends”, when you give them that money, and the bully then lets you play with his friends, has the bully empowered you!? No! When you say no to the bully, smile, turn around + go instead to play with the other people who have also said no, and create a wonderful game together, in sovereignty, you are then truly empowered. You are living as a free being.

People are right now giving up their true freedom of choice, of personal sovereignty, of body autonomy, for themselves + their children, in order to gain the perceived freedoms of, in my opinion, superficial happiness (travel, pubs, theatres). If someone is making an empowered choice, based on facts + research, and not based on threats, then that is a different matter, but I know that most aren’t, and it breaks my heart.

We all have the ability to empower ourselves! And it is a dance. Physically we need to empower ourselves by consciously choosing: who we spend time with, growing our own food, ensuring we have filtered, chemical free water, how we nourish ourselves in terms of nutrition, whether we watch/read the news + absorb the negativity, how we spend our money, how we make our money, how our children are educated, how much sleep we get, I could go on. However, these physical choices are largely decided on based on our mindset. It is therefore fundamentally important that we do the mental, emotional + energetic work of knowing ourselves deeply, our values, our beliefs, so we can truly live in complete alignment with those, and not waver no matter what is thrown at us; because then we feel truly empowered. I say it is a dance because often when you take care of the physical, the mental state becomes much easier, but equally there has to be a mindset change before people will choose to make the physical changes. They are ultimately self-perpetuating: the more you do of one, the easier the other becomes, and vice versa, until you reach a state where you are embodying the truest version of yourself in every aspect of your life. You feel confident, you know your rights, you feel worthy of your freedom, and you feel worthy of living the life you choose. Once this happens, then you can more easily find the peace + freedom in each aspect of your day, no matter where you are or what is going on around you. And at this point you are truly empowered.

And this is what I felt on the beach in Devon. I felt in my heart that nobody had autonomy over me + my happiness. There, surrounded by Mother Nature, I had everything I needed, and if it comes to it, all I will ever need. As happiness comes from within, so does empowerment, and I ask you today, if you don’t feel this yet, what do you need to do to find it? Because we all need it now, more than ever.


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