Rochelle Hubbard

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The Changing Colours of our Moon Cycle

When I started to connect with my cycle being linked to the moon cycle, I gained a deeper connection to myself as a woman, physically and energetically.

Elements of me such as my ability (or lack of) to ‘push through’, feeling more tired ‘out of nowhere’, food cravings, being more emotional and a little more disconnected from one week to the next, all started to make sense to me, and beyond this, I began to accept and honour those parts of myself when they arose. I started to recognise my body as part of nature, and intrinsically connected to the cycles which come with it; the ebb and the flow and all the beauty associated. I started to follow the cycle of the moon, and noticed that my cycle followed along with it, something which still, to this day, continues to amaze me. Of course this is wisdom our ancestors knew and as such they wove into their lives. A fantastic book to start to learn about this, in the context of a beautiful story, is ‘The Red Tent’ by Anita Diamant (in my opinion, a must read for every woman).

What I want to share with you today though, is that this synchronicity with the moon cycle can also ebb and flow.

When everything is balanced many women fall somewhere around a 28 day cycle (not all by any means, but many). If you don’t already, you may begin to notice as you track your cycle, that you follow the moon’s natural rhytmn, in that you are ovulating when the moon is full (the moon’s phase of ‘creating life’) and bleeding on a new moon (the moon’s phase of cleansing): this is known as a White Moon cycle. You may however find that you are the opposite, and instead bleeding on a full moon and ovulating on a new: this is called a Red Moon Cycle (imagine a full moon pooled with blood – hence the Red Moon). This is rarely static for women, and sometimes you will shift from Red to White, or White to Red. Below I am going to explain what this all means.

The White Moon Cycle

The White Moon cycle is the most ‘traditional’ cycle, following the natural rhythms of the moon itself, as I explained above. When following this cycle, women often find themselves in a phase of their life when they are in creation and nurture. This could be creating a child, but it also very much occurs when women are in the zone of big picture creation in their lives for themselves, and for the benefit of their loved ones. This cycle has an nurturing, giving, inclusive motion to it.

This is a cycle that society can ‘accept’ because it sees women giving freely, without ego - more aligned with the ‘good girl’ image that the Patriarchal system favours.

The Red Moon Cycle

The Red Moon cycle is the opposite of the White Moon cycle. It is the moon’s natural rhythm inverted! Historically the Red Moon cycle ‘belonged’ to the healers and priestesses, those who were deeply spiritually connected, the wise women of society.

This cycle is less focused on nurturing, and more focused on disrupting conventions, looking for guidance from intuition, and empowering other women to do the same. A Red Moon cycle sees women focus in on their own growth, personally and in their businesses, and then turn this outwards to support other women to do the same. 

Of course the women who used to sit in this energy, and follow this cycle, were often ostracized from society - they were the ‘witches’ - their power being a threat to ‘the system’, conditioning we are still having to break down to this day.

Is one better than the other?

It would be easy to think that the White Moon cycle was the ‘right’ one, but neither is right or wrong. Each will come and go for you as your purpose changes, and each bring with them their own magic. Equally if you find you sit firmly in one or the other, without change, this is also right, for your own unique journey on this Earth.

It can also be confusing for those on a Red Moon cycle to understand how to fit in also with the wider energies of the planet, which are essentially running opposite to you at this time. I find that when I am on Red Moon cycle, and hence my energies are higher on a New Moon, it is because I am needed more to lead other women during their lower energies during this time. It will be interesting for you, if you don’t already, to notice what you are being called to do as you shift between Red and White Moon cycles.

I would love to hear about your experiences as you uncover this part of yourself. Either comment below, or you can email me here. You can also find me on Instagram here or you can join my newsletter here.