Rochelle Hubbard

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Balancing Feminine Flow with Grit: The Path to Success for Women

In recent years, there's been a significant shift towards women looking to work in a different way: seeking success through embracing their feminine flow, as opposed to the hustle culture and push energy of the masculine that many of us were raised to believe was the only way. While this approach aligns more closely with the innate nature of many women, I think in many cases the pendulum has swung too far, and an important piece of the puzzle is being missed. When I look around me at the hundreds /thousands of women in my field that are entrepreneurs, I notice that whilst many are indeed finding success in being more in tune with their feminine, and the flow that comes with it, it is also evidently clear that an element of grit—resilience and determination in the face of adversity—is still necessary for achieving success. I have for a long time been curious why some women naturally possess this grit while others struggle to find it. And I am forever a student of support women to cultivate it if it doesn't come with ease.

What have I noticed about successful women?

Self-Awareness and Authenticity

Women who achieve success often have a deep understanding of their values and align their goals accordingly. This alignment provides a strong foundation and motivation. Success becomes more attainable when we operate from a place of authenticity. This is easier said than done when a lot of women are operating from a place of low self-worth, and having never been taught to go within to truly know themselves, and their beliefs, and to proudly live by them. But without fail, over and over again I see that the women who can get to this place, are the most magnetic to others.

Resilience and Adaptability

The ability to bounce back from setbacks is essential. Entrepreneurship is not an easy ride. It takes trying things, and failing, and then trying something else, and probably failing again. This involves managing emotions effectively and maintaining a positive outlook even in challenging times. Being open to change and being flexible in your approach as an entrepreneur helps navigate the ups and downs. Again, knowing your values and being fully committed to your mission, makes this easier, but being rigid in your approach is rarely going to end well, and even less of the time, neither is giving up when things don’t work. I read an interesting article earlier, entitled The Right Kind of Stubborn, which might be helpful to read for inspiration.

Growth Mindset

Women who see challenges as opportunities for growth rather than insurmountable obstacles tend to succeed. This involves a commitment to lifelong learning and self-improvement. I observe this over and over again. No matter how successful a woman is, if she is coachable, and excited about growth, then she will evolve more and more in her business. It can be considered a cliché as an entrepreneur to be constantly in the study of self-growth, but ultimately that is what life is about - we are here to evolve into our potential - and most (all!) of us take some work to get there. I want to caveat this with the fact that some women can use learning, going through coaching programmes, hiring mentors etc, as a method of procrastination - sometimes knowingly, but more often subconsciously. Some women believe they need to know more in order to start (rarely true) but others get so caught up with the learning that they fail to take action - action is always needed for forward movement!

Support Systems

Strong support systems, whether through family, friends, or professional networks, provide encouragement and resources that can be pivotal in overcoming challenges. I know this is easier said than done for some women, especially as many women do not have support from their significant other, and many have families who do not understand why they would choose to step out of a regular 9-5, waged job. Often the tune of women’s loved ones change as they continue to back themselves and have start to show what they are capable of, but in the meantime they still need support. Having networks of other women on the same path as you is so powerful for this, so it is 100% worth the effort seeking them out.

Purpose and Passion

Success is often driven by a deep passion for the mission behind a woman’s work. This intrinsic motivation can sustain women through tough times. Having a clear vision of what success looks like and why it matters for them and their families provides direction and motivation for women. Often times this can be financial, but it can also very often be about time freedom to be with one another. This without doubt was always a massive motivation for me. I know I could go and get a very good job, making easy money, but I would have to sacrifice a lot of time with my children. This is not something I have been willing to sacrifice, and so I have been driven forwards in my work in my own business. I have not always stuck the balance right, as I have had to unlearn a lot of ‘hustle ways’, but the more aware I have become of my needs as a woman, whilst still holding my vision strongly in my mind, the more easily I have been able to balance flow and forward driving purpose.

Strategies to Cultivate Grit and Resilience


This is the biggest one in my opinion. It is crucial that women who are looking to have success working for themselves practice regular self-reflection to understand their emotional state, recognise patterns, and make conscious adjustments. For me always the most effective way I have been able to do this is by talking to other women - whether they be friends, coaches, colleagues. I, like most women, verbally process what is going around my head. Most of us know the answers we need, but having someone to bounce our thoughts off, for me at least, always brings a lot of clarity.

Setting Realistic Goals

It is also imperative to break down larger goals into smaller, manageable steps to avoid overwhelm and build a sense of accomplishment. We must acknowledge and celebrate progress, no matter how small, to maintain motivation and build confidence. A good way to do this is to reflect back on where we started - we will pretty much always see how far we have come, but rarely do we acknowledge it in the moment.

Be Open Minded

A rigid mind won’t harness success. I have a recent experienced an example of this myself. I was resolute to not use AI - ever! I actually took pride in the fact that I would be able to say I had avoided it my whole life. Ha - the hilarious thing is I have actually become a relatively early adopter! I was in conversation with my friend Jade (@nomumisanisland) and she was raving about ChatGPT to me and how she was using it. I have always been strong in my beliefs, but ALSO very open minded when someone I respect is able to convince me to be. And so I gave it a go. And wow! It not only is saving me time to be able to live the life I love with my family, but also fast forwarding my business. I cannot wait to teach those of you interested how I have been using it. Regularly stepping out of your comfort zone and have a proactive approach to business, without doubt helps cultivate resilience and show you the benefit of being ‘in the trenches’ with your business.

Health and Well-Being

I have always maintained, and will continue to, that having a strong focus on a healthy lifestyle with proper nutrition, exercise, and sleep, significantly impacts emotional resilience, and sees people thrive in their life and business. As I watched Novak Djokovic in his interview post semi-finals, he was asked what was his key to success. He rightly answered that to give a full answer would give a long time, but the core of his answer came down to a lot of what I have discussed above, along with always prioritising his body’s health (I am still in love with him for not getting jabbed!). This may be obvious as a pro-athlete (although I see how it takes it to another level over and above his competitors) but this is applicable to us all - a healthy body and mind is going to allow us to be resilient in everything we do - including building our business.

In my work with women, I've found that personalised support and a holistic approach can make all the difference in cultivating both feminine flow and the necessary grit for success. Through deep dives into personal values, belief systems, and generational patterns, we work to uncover what truly drives you and let go of old stories that no longer serve you. We focus on developing emotional resilience and intelligence, crucial for navigating challenges and maintaining well-being. Together, we break down larger ambitions into achievable steps and celebrate every success along the way. We emphasize the importance of community and mentorship, helping you build a network that supports and uplifts you. We also prioritize a holistic approach to health, recognizing the interplay between physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

In Conclusion

Balancing feminine flow with the necessary grit for success involves understanding and embracing your unique strengths while cultivating resilience through intentional practices. By aligning your goals with your values, leveraging your support systems, and maintaining a growth mindset, you can navigate the path to success with both grace and tenacity. I love to support women in this work, and I am so grateful for those women in my life who support me in my own journey. If you want success in your own business, I know it is possible, but it requires both flow and grit. Are you here for both? I would love to hear your reflections.

To follow along with my thoughts + feelings, and life adventures, you can find me on Instagram here or you can join my newsletter here. I would love to hear from you if this is something you also choose to explore - the bigger the community around me the better!