Millionaire's Tahini fudge recipe


My Autumn Cleanse finished yesterday, which also marks the end of my programmes for 2015. It feels amazing to have connected with so many incredible women over the last year, but I am also now looking forward to bedding down and focusing in on me (and my family), as well as finally populating my website! (Look out for new content opening up over the next couple of months as I get down to it!)

On the subject of incredible women, over the past couple of years I have had the pleasure of getting to know a very inspiring yoga teacher: Charlie Anderson. Charlie has taken part in many of my cleanses (which is a total honour for me), and the other day she emailed me to let me know she had made a combination of 2 of my cleanse recipes and shared it with her yoga students. They all wanted the recipe, so I said I would type it up in a blog post to share with all of you, and in turn Charlie could share it with them (“Hello to Charlie’s students by the way :-)”).

So here it is: a combination of my healthy, wholefoods Millionaire’s Shortbread and Raw Tahini Fudge – as discovered by the wonderful Charlie (photo by Charlie too! – my husband said to point out it is being held upside down, so as not to cause confusion when you make it 🙂 ).

Ingredients (organic where you can):

The tahini layer:

  • 280g hulled/light tahini

  • 1/4 cup coconut oil

  • 2 tsp vanilla powder or 1 tsp extract

  • 1/3 cup honey (less if you don’t need things to be super sweet)

  • A good grind sea salt

The caramel layer:

  • 5 medjool dates

  • 1 200ml can of full fat coconut cream (or half a large – you could use the rest in a smoothie) – you just want the thick stuff off the top

  • 1 tbs maple syrup

  • 2 tbs almond butter

  • 1.5 tbs coconut oil, melted

The chocolate layer:

  • 75g raw cacao paste or dark chocolate bar

  • 2 tsp coconut oil


  1. Melt the tahini and coconut oil in a bain marie. Add in the vanilla, honey and salt and stir.

  2. Pour into a lined 8×8 inch dish and put in the freezer to set.

  3. Once the tahini has set (about 2-3 hours), blend all of the caramel ingredients in your blender or food processor, and then spread onto the tahini layer.

  4. Place in the freezer for a few moments as you melt the chocolate and coconut oil in a bain marie and pour over the top. Set again.

  5. Enjoy! It is packed with calcium and antioxidants. Delish!

Tag me @rochelle.a.hubbard on Instagram or Facebook if you make it! I’d love to see all of your sweet makes.


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