12 (+) years of Motherhood

12 (+) years of Motherhood

My little boy turned 12 this week. 12 years ago, I became a Mother, but really it happened 9 months before. I often think of those who have lost a baby before they have been born (I believe it happened to me before Savannah was conceived, but it wasn't certain enough that it shook me too much). The minute I knew Caleb was inside me I loved him as much as I love him to this day. I know that you become a Mother the minute you have a life growing inside of you, and if any of you are reading this who have been in that position, I want you to know that I see you, I feel you, and I send you so much love!

Caleb changed everything for me, but as I am moving into my 40s in just a month or so now, I realise how true it is that, regardless of having a physical child or not, how much important work we are called to do through this stage of our lives as a woman. Our 30s + 40s call upon us to really know who we are + the gifts that we bring to this world. More + more women of this age are breaking free from the chains that society has tried to pin them down with, and they are realising their potential.

Through this stage of our lives, we are Mother. We are creators. We are nurturers. We find ourselves, if we can quiet the noise + step away from the attempts to numb us, and we shine our light to be part of the change.

12 years I have been a Mother to my son, and 4 years later to my daughter. But these years have seen me, and will continue for a few more to come, to see me re-Mother myself, to be part of Mothering other women, and in turn to be part of Mothering the world back into harmony.

This is something I am thinking about a lot at the moment, and indeed for a long time now. As women step into this realisation they are creating huge shifts for humanity, and it is an honour to hold hands with them (with you) as they (we) do!

This week’s Podcast Two Worlds

This week I am guided towards: I Release Control


To follow along with my thoughts + feelings, and life adventures, you can find me on Instagram here or you can join my newsletter here. I would love to hear from you if this is something you also choose to explore - the bigger the community around me the better!


Freedom of choice


Foraging - My Journey So Far